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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Yeah I just painted them, 2 years and no chipping, flaking like everyone claimed would happen lol. Its all in the prep work really. I think I am going to freshen them up this spring, might change the color of them even. Power goals are right around 400whp
  2. 1/13/11: A buddy of mine owed me a favored and paid up. He sent me some NGK iridium IX plugs. Thanks Eric!!! http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/plugs.jpg
  3. Yenner I agree we are a factory for putting kids in the pros, that was never my point. My point is, when an out of state kid or any kid for that matter commits to tOSU they fall in ranking. Braxton Miller went from a 5 star to a 4 start after committing on one of the recruiting sites
  4. Mark May shows his true hatred for OSU yet he's still on tv, so your saying that Herbie can't be a "homer" in fear of losing his job? I agree with Zach here, there is some issue with Herbie and tOSU that is being kept behind closed doors. Herbie has continuously picked OSU to lose ball games against top 5-10 ranked teams and always talks about the 06 game during ever national title game he broadcast. Point in case the Auburn vs Oregon game "this reminds me of the 06 NCG between OSU and Florida. Everyone thought it would be a shootout but Florida simply dominated that game". Was there really a need for that comment? I mean didn't Oklahoma get blown out of the water by USC and Florida, yet no one talks shit about Oklahoma. Which btw Herbie ranked Oklahoma ahead of OSU after losing to Nebraska (who lost their bowl game) and beating a 8-4 (now 8-5) UConn team.. The media definitley has a bias against tOSU, reason being they produce more money then any of the SEC schools. I really don't watch ESPN anymore because of the bullshit announcers and "experts" they have on air. Herbie has just bought into it because they are paying his bills instead of tOSU.
  5. yes he would, ask Ryan Mallet...ask Justin Boren who had to sit out a year after transfering to OSU. Ask the CB from FSU transfering to OSU who had to sit out last year. D1 to D2 he wouldn't have to sit out any games is what you meant. Hell even highschool kids have to sit out a year if they transfer. I looked into transfering my sophmore year and would've had to sit out my Jr year, thus the reason I stayed at my home school in the end. From OHSAA website: "The basic transfer bylaw is really quite simple. If a student transfers (changes) high schools at any time after establishing eligibility as a ninth grader (either by attending a school for five days or playing in a fall sport prior to the beginning of school), the student is INELIGIBLE at the new high school for ONE YEAR from the date of enrollment. Understanding that basic rule is fundamental to dealing with transfer students."
  6. Todd McShay for President....Mark May as his running mate!
  7. If I were Denard I would stay at Michigan, he's about to be a JR, if he transfers he'll only have 1 year left to play. Same thing with poor ole Tater Tot. It'll be interesting to see how this all works out, just hope that in 3 years they aren't firing Hoke and looking for the next hot name coach, I would actually like to see Michigan get competitive again
  8. Yeah because no one from the south plays in the big 10, and no one from the big 10 goes pro, weak argument Phil, I expected better out of you lol. If you follow recruiting you should watch and see what happens when a kid from the south commits to a b10 school, he goes down a star ranking, becomes over rated and loses about 3-5 tenths off his 40 time lol.
  9. Herbie is a fucking chauch, click it, buy it...or whatever that dumb fucking commercial says. Herbie is a better announcer then he was a football player, whats that tell ya? I love how a few years ago he was riding USC's dicks, then Floridas, now he's being gangbanged by the entire SEC. Don't give me this "he's trying not to be a homer", doesn't seem to stop Lou Holtz!
  10. I just did a paper about this very topic last quarter. We will never be the manufacturing country we once were. 1. Its cheaper to make everything in China. Average worker there is paid .57 cent a day!! 2. Automization is the end all/kill all to plant jobs.
  11. More pics http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/turbo.jpg Got Milk? http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/gotmilk.jpg
  12. Haha yeah man, between me, his grandfather and his uncles he has no choice but to be interested in cars lol.
  13. 1/10/11: Whew whoo!!!! My turbo arrived today while I was at work. My son really approves of it as you can see in the pics http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/tysonturbo.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/tysonturbo2.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/tysonturbo3.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/billetwheel.jpg
  14. Mallett is.....going pro! He should honestly be the #1 pick to Carolina if they are wanting to take a qb, if not I think he still goes top 5 maybe 3 to Buffallo
  15. Zack, alot of people feel Adams would be a 1st round pick. Most believe he would goto a team like the Packers late in the 1st. With that said I agree that Brewster has a better shot to go 1st round, next year. I also think it'd be sweet if they all came back, sat out and then won a NC.
  16. I did a paper on Nostradamus in highschool and his "predictions" are not accurate. Here's why, they have been re-written several times and the language used back then had words with different meanings. The 9/11 one is about the biggest hoax of all, the original said nothing about 9/11, or twin brothers falling due to fire in the sky ect...its like a psychic, the shits worded to fit any situation. As for the Mayan calender it is supposedly off 100 years, either behind or advanced. So it could've already ended and we just don't know it. I watch all kinds of shit on "doomsday", the "experts" know about as much as me and you, when it comes to the world ending.
  17. check for leaky hose or like Roy said radiator cap. Does the car have an overflow bottle?
  18. I don't recall saying that they were either of those...I do recall stating that I don't want to mod this thing that much lol. Thanks though, hopefully he doesn't try backing out of the price he originally told me, if he does oh well i'll buy something else or save the money
  19. Yeah I don't see us doing any of the mods you listed outside of FMIC and BOV lol. Still not 100% sure I am going to be picking this up or not, still got some negotiating to do with my dads buddy lol, he is trying to raise the price after he researched them online lol.
  20. How about pop rocks and cock? Watch all the way through, made me laugh. Believe it or not my gf actually linked me to this haha
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