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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Yeah becasue the "t" is actually part of the universities name lol. Btw Bravo I agree, the love fest with the SEC is absolutely insane. Experts even in the NFL are like "they drafted that SEC talent", umm if your playing D1 football, odds are your talented regardless of where your playing. I also find it funny how southern kids become so much slower in the eyes of those same experts, as soon as they cross the mason-dixon line. Jamal Berry went from a 5 star recruit on one of the recruiting sites, to a 4 star, the very same day that he committed to tOSU. There is definitley a bias and hatred involved in NCAA football. Part of the problem, if not the biggest problem is, ESPN and CBS both have contracts with the SEC.
  2. I got a 4-1 header from my car as well as a cold air intake. text me if interested 740 814 3936
  3. yeah forgot to take this down and no I wouldn't have taken any less. I am now waiting on my refund from company because this didnt fit and they are shady fucks
  4. Brandon, they are 3rd in their division right now lol. Against teams with above .500 records they have been exposed. They do need a center because teams like Boston and Orlando will have a field day with them. I think Chicago would handle them as well. I still say 6-8 in the East this year, next year might be a different story once they start to gel. Orlando doesn't have any reason to pull Dwight from the post, they have great 3 point shooters, in fact they live and die by the 3 haha. Mo Williams, JJ Hickson and Varajao are 3 players I feel the Heat would love to have. Varaja is a Rodman type player, in that he does all the dirty work, is a good rebounder and has no problem getting under the opponents skin. Look at the last run the Bulls made, Rodman was huge in their success, along with some key 3 point shooters (Kerr/Kukoc) They may get a 5 seed at best
  5. Maybe the NCAA is trying to suck up to Auburn for screwing them in 03 (I believe thats the year they were left out of the NCG). It wont matter after saturday once South Carolina knocks them off
  6. My favorite chant was "who's your daddy?" Cleveland has a ton of role players, several in fact that I garuntee Miami would love to have, considering they have none. James absolutely went off in the 3rd quarter, which shows that he has the ability, but to me it also showed he did in fact quit in game 5. Either way I am still a cavs fan and still believe the Heat get a 6-8 seed in the east and go out in the 1st round, due to the fact that they have no Center, no PG and no bench. Its not going to get any better anytime soon either, they don't have a lot of cap space.
  7. Check your pm's ill come get it for $450 on tuesday when I don't have class.
  8. Yeah the excessive celebration rule is a fucking dumbass rule! I see no difference between the OSU players putting up their hands to make an O, then Florida kids doing the Gator chomp after a td
  9. Dear Michigan: Please get better so this rivalry gains intrest! The The refs in this game were absolutely horrible. The holding call on Boom's 98 yard TD run was total bullshit. The excessive celebration rule needs to be taken out of college ball, its ok for Cam Newton to jump in the stands everytime he scores, but not ok for OSU players to make a "O" with their hands? LSU and Boise St losing sure helps OSU's chances of an at large birth. Hello Sugar Bowl most likely, wonder who they will be playing. Honestly I think its going to be Alabama if Auburn wins out.
  10. I ended up picking the Monica Durban law. I have a 96% in the class, I am just burnt out on writing. This is the 4th paper we have had to write in a 8 week time period.
  11. Free parts for only 4 cars? Am I missing something? Maybe I am coming off as "bitching about free shit" but I expected a little bit more honestly.
  12. +1, but thanks for slowing my comp down lol
  13. i am on the site and see nothing free?
  14. So if you order something you can get a free item on top, or your just giving stuff away fof free?
  15. I posted this once for sale then took it down due to me buying fish. Well apparently my skills at owning an aquairum suck, so I am posting it back up for sale. 55 Gallon Freshwater Setup Comes with everything needed (minus fish) Comes with stand pictured Just had a new hood and light installed last friday ($48 bucks from RJ's aquarium in Hebron) Price: 200 obo. http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/101_0855.jpg I don't have a home comp right now so best way to get ahold of me is via text. 740 814 3936 Josh
  16. Ah so I fail lol. Or maybe my comp does cause I don't see that message, oh well ill check em out at 12:01
  17. Too bad their website is fail. I can't get to their store to see what they even have to offer.
  18. I was just at walmart buying a new flash drive, the line to Toys R us was all the way out ot rt. 79, if you don't know where I am talking about, its a good distance from the store to the road. There were people hovering the BF sale items at Walmart waiting for midnight to come. There is nothing worth waiting for to me honestly. Fucking idiots
  19. All good ideas, I have til Monday at 5:30 to have the rough draft done lol.
  20. My final paper for my comp class is due on the 3rd, rough draft is due Monday. I have writers block like all get out and need to come up with a topic. Heres the details Has to be an argumentative paper Has to have 3 arguments for or against Has to have 1 counter argument for the 3 previous I was going to write about "Why is Porn legal, but prostitution isn't" however that topic kind of bores me honestly. I was thinking about writing something to do with cars i.e Monica Durban Law or Cali Smog Laws. I figure if I am going to write about a car related topic, what better place to come then a car forum. I am open to other ideas, so toss them out. Things I do not want to write about include: Religion Race Abortion Legalizing Marijuana Other then that I am willing to research topics you come up with.
  21. $700 takes it, that is what I paid for it. I will not take less as I have already had a hard enough time with this thing. This is litterally brand new, just got it from Fedex about 2 hours ago. I am only selling it because I have a bad taste in my mouth from dealing with this company and don't want to rock their products on my car. Manfiodl is t3 turbo flange and 44mm wastegate flange. Made by FabWorx out of Florida, welds are nice I will give them that much. http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/turbomanifold.jpg
  22. 11/17/10: Well today my turbo manifold finally arrives. I have had a pretty shitty time getting this, but its finally here and looks good. My downpipe was supposed to arrive today as well but it unfortunately is MIA. FabWorx is supposedly trying to figure out whats going on, I won't go into details in my build thread, but right now I am not a very happy man. Anyways heres a pic of the manifold http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/turbomanifold.jpg
  23. They look pretty damn solid to me. I watched Sullinger play in highschool a few times and felt he was over rated. Last night he looked like a man amongst boys. I honestly think this is the deepest team that Matta has had while at OSU, even deeper then the team that went to the National Championship game
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