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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Fixed! He and Cam Newton will eventually be switched to that position anyways, if anyone actually thinks either of these 2 will be pro qb's they really need their heads examined.
  2. I saw this on another website, it had a story to go with the vid. In the article it said the postman was actually fired over this, talk about fucked up
  3. Anyone have a list of companies that have not outsourced? I am doing a paper for my composition class and could use this info.
  4. The sad part is people continue watching shit like this, honestly the only thing shows like this do is tell 15 and 16 year old whores that its ok to get pregnant. Hey get prego and you'll have a chance of being on MTV
  5. They say it cost more to do an execution then it does to keep them in jail, just had this discussion the other night in class.
  6. I found this interesting especially Levi jeans http://finance.yahoo.com/tech-ticker/19-iconic-products-that-america-doesn%27t-make-anymore-535569.html?tickers=f,ge,mat,DELL,MOT,aapl,bni
  7. If its a bad ecu, I have an automatic p06 which would be the correct ecu for that car. Pm me if interested.
  8. Yeah I don't get people anymore either man. I think internet forums have helped kill the car scene honestly. You are always being degraded if you don't do something the way one of the "popular" guys does shit. I think people have forgotten what originality and DIY is all about. Oh well I am just gonna keep building my car for myself, and when someone talks shit, line up and shut em up I love the way topmounts look under the hood. The company I got mine from has their topmounts on sale for the price of most other comapnies cost of a ramhorn
  9. So...I need to get into what ever profession Jamie is in
  10. Haha I mean what else is there really to do there, might as well build fast cars.
  11. Dude I caught so much heat on other forums over those bolts. People were like "those look janky" "why waste the money on that" blah blah blah, I didn't realize how important bolts were to other people lol.
  12. http://www.sportsgrid.com/media/watch-south-park-spoofs-lebron-james-nike-commercial/
  13. Thats not even the fastest s2k out there. The one from Puerto Rico is running mid 7's and it is a Honda motor and is fucking nasty.
  14. It seems to me that the Heisman has become a joke. It was set up to be an award given to the "best player in college football". Not "the player with good stats on best team in country". Every time a #1 team loses, the heisman front runner does as well.
  15. 2 teams from the same conference cannot play in the NCG , hence why OSU vs Michigan part 2 didnt happen in 06, instead Florida went and destroyed OSU Cam Newton is a fucking joke, I am so tired of hearing about him. He is no fucking Tim Tebow, so the media needs to stop with that comparison right now. Tebow has 2 national titles and a heisman, along with damn near every record in SEC history. Newton will be a good pro, at WR. Has anyone actually seen him throw the ball, they are lame ducks 80% of the time. Wait til they play Bama and get rolled (no pun intended) by the tide. Then all that heisman talk with cease to be. Pryor has much better stats then Newton plain and simple, and thats playing behind a coach who calls plays worse then most pop warner level coaches. The one advantage that Newton has, is his head coach turns his loose and lets him play free. In my opinion Pryor looks really uptight playing for Tress, its almost as if he is playing nervously, trying to be perfect so he doesnt get his ass tore up by Tress. I think there has only been 1 game this year that Tress has given Pryor a "winning effort", notice how Pryor doesn't have many Buckeye leaves on his helmet... The media, mainly ESPN has such a love affair with the SEC because they have a contract with the SEC. I don't care what school your playing for, if your playing D1 level college ball, your pretty damn good. I don't buy into the whole "the sec has better talent shit", lets see that SEC talent come up northin in late November, and then we will talk. It doesn't help that they have produced the last what, 4-5 national champions, until someone knocks them off the high horse they will be looked upon as the greatest conference. The team I am really tired of hearing about is Oregon. Sure they have a playstation type offense, but remember this is the same Oregon team that had its ass handed to them by the Buckeyes. Actually I say they are not even as good as last years team due to a different starting qb. Say what you want, but Masoli is a better qb then the kid they have now. They are bound to choke anyways, just like Michigan St was expected to do. I say Oregon St beats Oregon Newtons Stats vs Pryors and Robinson Passing Newton: 108Completions 162 Attempts 1573Yards 15TD 5INT 172.6 Rating Pryor: 152Completions 225 Attempts 1997Yards 20TD 7INT 165.2 Rating Robinson: 108Completions 186 Attempts 1509Yards 10TD 5INT 155.3 Rating Rushing Newton: 168Carries 1122Yards 6.7YPC 14TD Pryor: 84 Carries 463Yards 5.5YPC 4TD Robinson: 164 Carries 1287Yards 7.8YPC 12TD **Pryor has been taken out in the 3rd quarter in over half of the games played this year, while Newton has stayed into the 4th in most of his games** If you are really bored, take a look at this and see where Newton Ranks amongst QB's nationally Not in the top 40 in passing yards..which is kind ofi mportant for a QB http://espn.go.com/college-football/statistics/player/_/stat/passing
  16. 7:33 does he not look like Lebron
  17. They don't appear to be struggling tonight
  18. Boise St and Michigan St to play in 2012, word is Mich St didn't wanna goto Boise in 2013...pussies
  19. 10/29/10: I figured I might as well buy my downpipe while Tony@fab-worx had my manifold, so I went ahead and ordered that. I am going to be running the downpipe out of the front bumper, on the driver side, in front of the tire. I know it has been done before by others, but I love the way it looks and sounds.
  20. Yeah I cant find much of anything online either, how does he look?
  21. 10/27/10: Sponsorship items came in today!!! I came home in between class and the dress up bolts were sitting in my mailbox. I went ahead and put them on since I had a 2hr break til my next class. http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/downsized_1027001611.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/moddiction.jpg I have a teaser pic for you guys, big ups go again to Tony@ Fab-Worx: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/2010-10-27_192507.jpg
  22. 10/25/10: After a heated exchange of words between me and a company and a few members of various forums, over the bolts i bought and installed, I did something about it to shut them up. I had talked to the owner of a company called Moddiction a few months back, he was starting to get his business off the ground and needed some help with sizing bolts and needing to know how many would be required for each chassis's engine bay. Well last night after my 2hr e-battle with the other guys, I hit the owner of Moddiction up just to see how business was going ect.. We start talking about my e-battle and discuss the possibility of him providing me with some of his Titanium Bolts/Washers in exchange for me helping to get his name out there. After a short while we come to an agreement and I have my 2nd sponsorship. While they aren't huge sponsorships, they are greatly appriciated. Check out http://www.moddiction.com they specialize in weighted shift knobs and titanium bolts. Should you buy something just tell him that guy_from_nerk or Josh Moore sent you, just so he can see that I am holding up my end of the deal.
  23. Atually its held by a kicker, Jeff Feagles (352 games)...and honestly it should not count. Lets face it, while kicking is an important part of the game, it is no where near as physically demanding as QB, RB, WR, ect...
  24. OSU bought out the contract to get the game moved to Columbus instead of Cincy, maybe I should've posted the entire article. Notice the word, "bulk" that means the other guys still get their share of the money.
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