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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. The purpose of this catch can is to filter the air going from the valve cover (VC) to the intake manifold (IM). as the air is filtered through steel wool, the oil mixed in with the air (especially prevalent at higher RPM's) will adhere to the wool and therefore not be allowed into the IM (which, beside blown piston rings, causes that bluish smoke when you kick it). you'll need: - an air filter for an air compressor - coarse steel wool - teflon tape - two 1/4" 90 degree elbows - two male barbs with 1/4" thread and 3/8" barb - couple feet of 3/8" fuel hose - four little clamps - silicon (or other simple cheap sealant) - a little rubber nipple plug - two zipties Now lets get to the pics: 1. All the parts you need are right here: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/1.jpg 2. Start by disconnecting the hose that runs from the VC to the IM here: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/2.jpg 3. Next seperate the lower half of the "Catch Can" from the upper: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/3.jpg 4.After that you will want to stuff th plastic cylinder part with Steel Wool: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/4.jpg 5. Attatch the lower half of the cylinder back to the upper half. Then take the 90* elbow and connect it to the barbed nipples: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/6.jpg 6. Attach that the the sides of the "Catch Can" on the top section: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/7.jpg 7. Now mount this to the car. I used 2 zip ties and tied it to the cruise control cable. Eventually I am going to make a custom bracket to hold it when I take out the cruise control: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/8.jpg 8. Hook up the lines and you are all done and now have a $30 catch can setup!! http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/9.jpg Here is a quick rundown of the money I spent to complete this: Air Filter- 11.97 (2) 90* Elbows: 6.96 (1) Rubber Nipple Plug .46 (4) Small Clamps 3.56 (2) Barbed Nipples 1.94 2ft Rubber Hose: 3.30 Grand Total: 28.20 For those wondering if the steel wool is dangerous to the motor, its not. As long as you keep the filter in the "catch can" you wont have any issues. All you have to do is empty the can once every 500 miles or so and your good to go.
  2. Well its not an axle...went ahead and pulled transmission. Gonna tear it apart tomorrow and see what went wrong inside. The trans shifts 1,2,3 and R...but no 4th or 5th
  3. Good question. I say its the axle because its acting just like a broken one by not wanting to move in gear. The only thing that has me thrown off is the stalling out while in neutral. I guess we'll solve this mystery later on this week when I tear it apart to find out whats wrong.
  4. Eh she's alright just depends on the picture. I wouldn't kick her out of bed though!
  5. I haven't tried putting the car in gear and rolling it. The car is at my gf's parents house so I have to wait til either tomorrow or tuesday to tear into it.. The other thing I forgot to mention was the car has a high idle. The reason I mention this is because before this happened the car would pull its self while in gear if you didn't even have your foot on the gas pedal. Now when you put it in neutral and take your foot off the clutch, it dies. I am going to replace both axles regardless. I have lifetime warranties on them haha. I just hope its not a clutch because I dont have the cash flow right now to be replacing one of those. Odds are it will be a clutch with my luck haha.
  6. Ryan Hamby didn't lose that game against Texas. tOSU had the ball inside the Texas 30 3x's and failed to score a TD!! Add to the fact that we was rotating qb's and they happened to have 1 great college qb. Tebow is the only guy I see that has a shot of tying Archies record of Heismans, and honestly he could have 3 bedore its over with. He wont leave early for the draft because he is not a pro qb. Sorry to the guy that thinks he is, but he's not. I dont think he's a TE either, I can see him being used as a TE. He is very raw still as a qb, but who knows really Florida will not give up 65 to Oklahoma, hell I bet they don't even give up more then 21. Everyone was talking about how weak the Big12's defenses were just a few weeks ago, now all a sudden Oklahoma is world beaters? Go talk to Texas about that!! I think the outcome of this game will be much like the 06 NCG and again in the favor of Florida. The only team that I think can matchup with and beat Florida is USC and thats it! OSU is 4-0 in bowl games against the big12 including 2 BCS game wins Texas A&M and Kansas State. Not to mention 2-1 in the last 10 years in the regular season against them as well
  7. I already have a spare transmission and if it takes you a whole weekend to swap out a honda tranny then you dont need to touch a wrench again. Its a 2hour job. I just dont wanna have to lay in a cold garage for 2 hours pulling a replacing a transmission. But more then likely this is what I'll be doing one day this week
  8. Because i'm throwing out every possible thing...Plus a part of me is praying thats all is wrong, but the other part of me knows its not...
  9. Ole Miss beat Florida on a blocked extra point. They are gonna get steamrolled by Texas Tech!! USC is gonna hammer Penn State. Penn State could only put up 13points against the Bucks, the bucks could only put up 3 against USC...I dont see Penn State putting up more then 10 in this game Florida is gonna give Oklahoma all they can handle, they have yet to face a qb like Tebow. Not to mention all the speedsters Florida will have running around all over the field. BTW tOSU is historically good against the Big12, not to mention they own the Fiesta Bowl. The 06 NCG was not played in the Fiesta Bowl before anyone trys to throw that out there. Not to mention tOSU beat Texas in 06. I will take tOSU in this one by 7
  10. tOSU is 4-2 in BCS games people!! The only other school with that record or better is USC. tOSU also brings in tons of money via fans who travel well. Texas Tech is left out because no conference can have 3 teams in BCS games. Kinda like Missouri last year who got left out, while Illinois went in with 3 losses. I think the matchup against Texas is the best one for the Bucks. We could not compete with Bama, Oklahoma, Florida or USC. Plus wining against a team like Utah, Cincy or Va Tech wouldn't help the image of the Bucks to voters. Texas has a good offense but no D, they are ranked 66th in Defense. Give me a healthy Beanie plus Pryor and i'll take tOSU in this one. My BCS predictions are this: NCG: Florida over Oklahoma Orange: Cincy over Va Tech Rose: USC over Penn State Fiesta: tOSU over Texas Sugar: Alabama over Utah
  11. Driving my car tonight on my way to my gf's house and all of a sudden theres a loud bang followed by jerking motion. Get the car off the road into a parking lot. Turn car off and turn back on, runs fine. So I know the motor didn't blow up. Put car in gear and try to drive, will not go anywhere. Put car in nuetral, take foot off clutch and car dies. Towed the car to my gf's house, while pushing it into her garage we noticed that the car is jerky and kinda hops when the tires are being rotated. WTF did I break? I'm thinking either an Axle, clutch or transmission... The last couple days the car has not wanted to go into gear at times. It does this until you turn the car off, let it sit for a couple hours then it shifts normally. Kinda wierd and might not even be related to issue but just throwing that out there By the way the trans is from a 97 Accord EX....all help is appriciated Hopefully its just an axle because I have lifetime warranties on 90-93 teg axles which is what is used in this swap
  12. Florida is in the NCG against Oklahoma! My bowl matchups look like this: Rose: Penn State vs USC Orange: Cincy vs Va Tech Fiesta: Texas vs Utah Sugar: tOSU vs Alabama NCG: Oklahoma vs Florida My winners are: USC Cincy Texas tOSU Florida BTW Tebow is superman! You wont see a player like him come around for a vey long time. Most people hate on Florida if they are OSU fans, I actually think Florida is a great team. I would love to have their offense put in place at OSU.
  13. or a pond lol I loved this part "do not want to release it in the cold" umm turtles have been surviving in the cold for thousands of years haha. Just thought it would be a cool pet for someone on here that has a kid. They are low maintnance and keep kids entertained
  14. 8 Years minimum best part was this..right before sentacing O.J made this comment "I never meant to steal anything from anyone"...lmfao!!
  15. Well since the toys for tots idea has already been done, let me try another idea haha. Anyone have clothes that are too small or too big. Or clothes that they have not worn in years and will not wear again? Well I got an idea for you, donate them!! As much as kids need toys on xmas, people need clothes! There our thousands of homeless out there this winter with hardly any clothes. Before you go saying "get a job", you should think about what if the shoe was on the other foot. I am willing to pick up your clothes! Me, my gf, roomate and his gf already have a trash bag full of clothes that were going to take to Salvation Army...wanna add more?
  16. I am down to pick up donations around Columbus/Newark area. I am also down to go shopping for some little kids, I have nothing else better to do lol hence the reason i am on here at 5am!! Just let me know what you need done. I plan on picking up some stuffed animals. You can get them pretty cheap and what little kid doesn't like them. I got an idea, what if we had some of the local pizza shops and bars donate $1 for every pizza and drink sold. My dad used to own a bar in Newark and I can ask the guy that owns it now if he'd be willing to help the cause. They could do this up until Dec 20th which is a saturday. We could collect the money on Sunday, which would leave time to go shopping for toys or donate the money all together.
  17. Well hot damn didn't see that. Go ahead and close this one up and i'll contribute to the other thread. Thanks!
  18. So I am feeling very charitable this holiday season and thought it would be a cool thing if we did a Toys for Tots type deal. We could call it Tuners for Tots. I think a maximum of $20 dollars per gift would be more then enough. I know the economy is rough right now and people are having a hard time buying their own family items for xmas. However if you have the extra cash and are feeling jolly then help the cause. I am going to call a few orginizations tomorrow to see just who we can donate the items to. Most likely its going to be the Salvation Army or even a Toys for Tots drive that the firefighters do each year. I will personally pick up the items from each person or meet up with you to collect items. I will also be getting a car that everyone who donates can sign that will also go with the toys. Let me know if your interested! I have posted this on a few other forums so hopefully the turnout is decent.
  19. Lmfao thats what I said! Kids and the need to be JDM take over brain cells.
  20. Was browsing through craigslist and found this ad: http://columbus.craigslist.org/pet/945573047.html Maybe someone has a young kid on here that likes creatures or is a teacher and would want this for their classroom.
  21. buys automobile air bags? The reason I ask this is my buddy gave me his stock air bag out of a 96-00 Civic when he put in a JDM air bag removal tray. Yes I know that sounds riceriffic but I thought there was a place that paid decent money for un deployed air bags. Got any info?
  22. these are old and prob a repost but damn they crack me up... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRkiouh5NEI
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