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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Your pretty confident my man. BTW bringing a group of people to beat up 1 person is pussy just like beating up a dude minding his own business for his damn phone. Go get a job and buy your own is what I say.
  2. Far from e-tough, just find it amusing how many badases there are on this board that in real life wouldnt say a fucking wrong thing to someones face that is all. Not calling out anyone in paticular just stating how I feel
  3. Haha welcome to CR Dustin home of the smart ass comment LS1 driving nutswinging assholes. You wont stick around here long trust me. BTW i'm in town this weekend we'll have to get together
  4. Anyone know of a place where I can have my crank pulley shaved. The issue is my crank pulley is hitting my traction bar on the driver side. Its hitting where the a/c and power steering belts would go, but since I no longer use these I am wondering if I can have them shaved off by a machine shop.
  5. I might be a little bit....but if not then my heart is truely broken and i will now contemplate suicide because a "cool kid" on the internet said a few mean words to me.
  6. Mother fucker ever tries robbing me of something unarmed he's going to get one hell of an ass whooping! Fucking thieves, people are bitches these days!
  7. Im not disputing the fact that he should've pulled over one bit! Im just saying that I find it funny how people are so quick to judge based mainly on the type of car the kid drives. Now maybe i'm wrong but thats just what im taking out of all this.
  8. He does make good points, but you know the funny part is musicians dont really make that much money off of cd sales. They make most their money off of Touring and Merchandise sales. Artist are paid on a "Points" system, so say they are given 1dollar per point, they get 4 points per cd sale, they are only making 4bucks off that cd, while the label and everyone else gets the other 16 dollars. I just read an interesting article the other day on yahoo. Lil Wayne is the first artist to sell 1million records in the first week of a new release in 3 years!! Make better music and maybe people wont have to download it is my logic. Im not going to go waste 20bucks on a cd that is full of shit and maybe 1 good song. Whats the last cd you have boughten or listened to that you actually liked more then half the songs?
  9. Nope i started this thread to prove to myself what i have been thinking for a while now, bunch of douche bag hypocrits frequent this site...that is all. I dont feel better about Ryan killing a lady at all. i think its pretty fucked up honestly, but I also think its fucked up just how blind this board is. But its whatever all the shit talkers will get what is coming to them in due time, karma is a bitch
  10. Umm you took this from the part that I said I qouted off another site by Larry who is on this board and works at jegs, so that is not my quote but thanks for playing
  11. Finally someone that see's the light. The difference is this is from November so its not really a big deal to many on here and she wasnt driving a ricer. Just goes to show how fucking biased people are on this site. Atleast someone on here has half a brain.
  12. Umm...I never once claimed to be friends with Ryan, I said I knew him. Doesnt mean I was all buddy buddy with him. And I didnt dig this up, this was brought to my attention from someone else that has no life and was digging it up. Dont you have a cock you could be polishing up for someone
  13. So time matters? Isnt it still the same situation but by a high ranking official that is supposed to uphold the law?
  14. Oh cmon...no one heard her piping her ricer muffler and knew she was racing instantly? No one wanting to call her an idiot and bash her? Whats the problem fellas, cat got your tongue?
  15. Lets see how this thread goes: http://www.10tv.com/live/contentbe/EPIC_shim.php?story=sites/10tv/content/pool/200711/1677104016.html
  16. Dude that looks like some shit a chick would do. You got a psycho ex?
  17. I'm not comparing Ryan to George, just comparing the media that surrounded both incidents that is all. I liked Ryan so did many others, some didnt. Couldnt the same be said for just about everyone on this site? Im not making excuses but just trying to get people to see the other side of the situation. That is all
  18. ^^thats a really fucked up story man. I dont have sympathy for him fleeing either, but I do have sympathy for any person that will spend years behind bars for an accident. He was going to get the hammer wether he fleed or not honestly. And for the witness that heard the fart can thats funny honestly. Its not like you cant hear an exhaust even when you are driving slow. I cant wait til we have another story and we see this "I heard the loud roar from the v8 driver acting a fool" then we'll see how much shit is talked. People on the internet crack me up honestly. I pray for both families!
  19. 1st and 2nd gen DSM's acura rdx rx7 supra grand national or are you wanting a new car?
  20. right, had he been driving a LS1 powered car or a Mustang I really dont think there would be this much hate. But since he was a "ricer" and we all know that only ricers street race he's getting the shit bashed out of him. I can understand people talking shit because he ran, honestly that was my first impulse too, but then i started thinking like damn what if i was in that position. I'd like to think that i'd stop instantly and take whats coming to me, but at the same time i thought, damn I just hit a lady wtf do I do. Btw im not trying to upset anyone or call anyone out just trying to inform everybody that theres more to the story then whats being told by the media
  21. No i'm not saying that at all, he made a mistake and will have to live with that for the rest of his life. Im sure his conscious will be more then jail time could ever be. I'm just saying that people need to quit being so quick to judge when they dont know the whole story. Remember the craigslist ads that were posted when a "intoxicated guy was drag racing his mustang"? Im sure everyone remembers that, remember how everyone got pissed cause the media was making him out to be worse then he really was? Im sure you do. See how the media can twist shit around to make you believe what they want you to.Take this into consideration, if this was your little brother or son or close cousin or hell close friend, would you want people talking mad shit about him without knowing the whole truth. The only thing that can be really said is he was dumb for running..yes! He was responsible for turning himself in rather then the police having to find him...yes! Accidents happen and sometimes innocent people and good people are hurt...yes! 2 families lives are forever changed...yes! Ryan will get what a judge feels is a fair punishment for his actions...yes!
  22. colbalt ss either the supercharged older version or the new turbo version, srt4, evo, wrx sti, mazda speed 6
  23. Lmfao again this was payback for a previous action on his behalf, i just happened to get it on camera lol
  24. Ok let me clarify some shit in this thread and on this topic. I know Ryan personaly and he is a good guy honestly. That being said this is what was posted on OhioHondas by a very good friend of his about the accident: i talked to Ryan last night. he told me that there was 2 cars between him and the blue car, he was behind all of them. the woman came from the ralleys side of the street and was almost hit on the north bound laneby a mustang heading north. Then the blue acura slammed on the brakes and ryan went to go around all three of them not seeing the lady clipped her as he was heading south bound in the right lane. i guess if you can get a race off on memorial dr at 830 your god. there is also witnesses saying there where not racing. Ryan said he wasnt racing he is my friend ill belive him. for all of you guys saying run him down you will get yours. he wasnt driving down memorial dr and just start looking to hit a lady running across the street. That is coming from Larry who works at Jegs and post on here cant think of his username on here. It was also mentioned that Ryan spazzed thus the reason for taking off, he later turned himself in to the Lancaster PD. I know everyone says "what a bitch for taking off" but until your ever in that position dont judge. What the hell would you do after just clipping a lady? Some people would sit there with their hands glued to the wheel not doing a fucking thing, others would try to help and yes some would even act the same way he did. I guess he hasnt aten since the accident because his nerves are on end. So please dont be so quick to judge, I remember a certain Blubyeu on here that was kinda in the same boat due to the media and everyone was pissed at the media. So dont be so quick to judge without knowing all the facts.
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