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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Added some neons to the wagon http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/Wagon%20Builds/10426888_370122546478739_7835786403043393053_n_zps6a364ff0.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/Wagon%20Builds/10169251_370122559812071_7237629887330478601_n_zps752e3b97.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/Wagon%20Builds/1609965_370122569812070_1137342412322355800_n_zpsf249a91a.jpg
  2. Thanks, I am happy with it. The next one I have set to build I believe it going to be a Lightning McQueen (cars) themed one. We will see though as we're in the early stages of discussing what the person getting it wants it to be. I had a Captain America themed one lined up as well, but that one fell through on me.
  3. I'm not real sure why anyone was surprised by him to be honest. The kid lit up the Big 33 game and was a beast for Glenville. You don't get an Ohio State offer if you're trash. I do agree that a transfer from him would probably be in his best interest if he wants to potentially make a living at the next level. 6'5 250 with a rifle arm and can run. He reminded me of Ben Rothlisberger in the way he moves and his size. If anything it shows just how good Barrett is/can be if he beat out a guy like Jones. It's a great problem to have regardless!
  4. Today I picked the wagon tub and wheels up from the powder coater and got to assembling it finally. I am very happy with how it turned out and my brother in law absolutely loves it, which is the most important parts since it's for his daughter. The pictures don't do this thing any justice as the lighting in my garage sucks. I am going to take some better pics during the daylight tomorrow of it. http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/Wagon%20Builds/1527047_10152851098786907_9130478717419904048_n_zps74342b89.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/Wagon%20Builds/10599445_10152851098846907_7799282827198065438_n_zps7faf114a.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/Wagon%20Builds/1488649_10152851098906907_7046803634111959091_n_zps606f9738.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/Wagon%20Builds/10690156_10152851098956907_2429558718615475368_n_zpsc5f3a640.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/Wagon%20Builds/10348994_10152851111351907_3393247061013065637_n_zps27d7061b.jpg
  5. OSU just landed 4* QB/Athlete Torrence Gibson out of Florida. He seems to think he's playing QB in college, many "experts" think his best fit is at WR. It will be interesting to see how his career unfolds. I know this much, it creates quite a log jam at the QB position for the next 4 years 2015 you will have: SR Braxton (assuming he comes back) rS0 Barrett Jr Jones rFr Collier Fr Gibson Fr Burrow 2016 you have: rJr Barrett Sr Jones rS0 Collier rFR Gibson rFr Burrow Freshman (Whatever kid they choose to take in that class) 2017 you have: rSr Barrett (assuming he stays til his Sr year) rJr Collier rSO Gibson rSO Burrows rFR 2016 Recruit Freshman Danny Clark 2018: rSr Collier rJr Gibson rJr Burrows rSo 2016 recruit rFr Danny Clark I suspect someones gonna transfer, end up at a different position or simply not end up coming to Ohio State. Joey Burrow comes to mind as a kid who may start to look elsewhere. BTW I am going to his teams playoff game on Friday with a buddy of mine. I am interested in seeing just how good he is, I know his stats and highlight film look impressive.
  6. Haha I think that has been in the works for the last 3 years now.
  7. I think the UNC situation is being over looked because 1. They suck at football and 2. It's not quite basketball season, so the timing for it to happen is perfect for UNC and not for ESPN.
  8. I don't think they are a consistent team this year. The polls are a joke, as we have discussed almost weekly since this thread has started. Who has Alabama really played this year so far? They have a "quality loss" against a now 2 loss Ole Miss team haha. West Virginia is probably the toughest team they have played. We will know a lot more about Alabama in the next month than we know about them right now. If they win out and win the SEC Championship Game then yes, it's impossible to argue against them. I just don't see that happening though. As you see I have them losing to LSU this weekend.
  9. #13 Baylor vs #18 Oklahoma #10 Notre Dame vs #14 Arizona State #9 Kansas St vs #7 TCU #16 Ohio State vs #8 Michigan St This is a homer pick and I think it's super close #5 Oregon vs #17 Utah I think this one is close as well My upset special: #6 Alabama vs #19 LSU
  10. There is a group of bikers that do a similar event here locally. They just had over 700 motorcycles show up to their event today. I would love to get to that level at some point. It seems car guys make excuses not to drive their cars, where bikers find every excuse in the world to bring their bikes out haha.
  11. Quality losses? Stop watching espn lol. Btw, strength of schedule? Florida state says hello, theirs is worse than osu. Again, my hatred for this system is non Ohio state related. Notre Dame got shafted in the first set of rankings. They have a "quality" loss don't they? I want nothing more than a 2 loss Missouri to win the SEC, then they can try spinning how their quality loss to shitty Indiana gets them a spot in the playoff.
  12. Bucks sitting #11 and 13 in the polls. LSU who I believe had a bye yesterday, leap frogged Nebraska lol
  13. BTW, how far does Ole Miss drop, out of the top 10? Out of the top 15? 2 spots because Arkansas is SEC and we all know SEC is king Next week is another week where seasons are going to come to an end. I am not going to make my predictions yet haha, but look at this lineup #16 OSU/#8 Michigan State #9 Kansas St/#7 TCU #10 Notre Dame/ #14 Arizona St #6 Alabama/ #19 LSU #5 Oregon/ #17 Utah Oh yeah, remember when S. Carolina was #9 in the polls? They are now a 5 loss team LOL
  14. Or it means your D-Line and Linebackers didn't get the job done. You never want your DB's to lead the team in tackles.
  15. Damnit I was so close haha. I have been flipping between the OSU game, ND/Navy and Miss St/Arkansas. I will say this, Miss St is not impressive to me and I hope Navy can pull off the upset!
  16. Way to go Florida, I was tired of hearing about UGA. Way to go WVU by shutting the bed, would've loved seeing TCU go down.
  17. Way to go Florida, I was tired of hearing about UGA. Way to go WVU by shutting the bed, would've loved seeing TCU go down.
  18. I had a little extra time to spend in the garage tonight, so with the help of my brother in law we knocked out the rear fender. I don't think it's turned out too bad considering it's a $30 trailer fender and the first fender I have ever modified. I do know the bike needs a wider rear tire to fill in the gap. Next thing up for the bike is purchasing a rear brake hub to replace the broken one and then I am going to order some forward controls so I can get the frame all done and off to powder coating. http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/Bobber%20Project/10556360_10152845216286907_8593061740361470998_n_zps8aeae27d.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/Bobber%20Project/1557511_10152845216391907_8357276936214349671_n_zpse3c4c608.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/Bobber%20Project/10402705_10152845216326907_44275603830890363_n_zps903c7e0f.jpg
  19. The radio rancher wagon is almost complete, I am just waiting on the tub and wheels to get back from the powder coater. My brother in law wanted to have the tub and wheels camouflaged, not wanting it to look cheap, I suggested we have that stuff hydro dipped. I went with the muddy girl pattern as it has a bright purple through out it that will match the upper part of this wagon. I don't have a pic of the tub finished yet, but I was able to watch it get dipped and that is a cool process. The tub was coated pink first as thats the undercoat color that the film calls for. Here is a pic of the wagon in that stage as well as the wheels coated. Mind you the wheels do get a hub cap on the center of them that is a mirror black finish. The wagon should look really cool once it's all back together. http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/10603605_368768033280857_2232195424593295955_n_zps2f50f3cc.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/63953_368786486612345_8429287371756878221_n_zps27fbc2c7.jpg
  20. You'd be surprised...It has ruffled feathers since day one with some people haha. Oh well, we just keep pushing on making the event bigger and better each year. Awesome, when you get there just ask for Josh and someone will point you in my direction, come over and introduce yourself.
  21. We have over 400 rsvp's on the facebook page. The most we have ever had before is 250 or so. Looking like this years event is going to the biggest yet!
  22. I wonder if they give Hoke the ax before the season is over with now. Hopefully Michigan hires a couple people with brains and is able to get back to national prominence. Having Michigan being decent again would help the B10.
  23. I wonder if they give Hoke the ax before the season is over with now. Hopefully Michigan hires a couple people with brains and is able to get back to national prominence. Having Michigan being decent again would help the B10.
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