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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10201830491596276 If you don't have facebook, sorry for ya
  2. http://msn.foxsports.com/college-football/video?related=96a91259-29e7-4a4c-9c32-7c063a5e52d6
  3. Couple irony's here, first he dies in a car wreck...then a leaked trailer comes out yesterday from Fast 7 and it's nothing but a funeral scene (for Hahns the asian guy)
  4. Watch this, OSU's reaction on the bus ride home while watching the Bama/Auburn finish http://www.elevenwarriors.com/2013/11/29777/ohio-states-team-bus-reacts-to-auburns-last-second-win-over-alabama
  5. I forgot to put "active" in my post. The answer is Ohio, yet Herbie answered Alabama and looked surprised that he was wrong lol
  6. Did anyone hear Herbstreit on ESPN today? They asked what state had the longest winning streaks in college football, he answered, Alabama... No dumbass it's Ohio who has the longest in Div 1, 2 and 3. Also how many times did they call Marcus Hall, Maurice?! Then they state that Roby is ejected when it's clearly Wilson lol
  7. Oh yeah, I wonder how much B10 Championship game tickets just went up lol
  8. CBS and ESPN are going to have a heart attack when no SEC team is in the NCG. Will this be the year that the media gives it to a team who doesn't play in the NCG? Just to say "Fuck you ACC/B10"?
  9. WAR FUCKING EAGLE!!! That was the most awesome ending to a college football game I have ever witnessed!!! OSU needs to beat Michigan State next week and they should be in. I think FSU handles Duke, giving us a FSU/OSU matchup. God ESPN is going to hate life not having an SEC team in the NCG to suck off this year. I think Auburn loses to the SEC East Champ, that would help OSU out as well. The BCS may suck dick, but it works its self out almost every single year like it should. Didn't I say 2-3 weeks ago, that there was a ton of football left to play?!
  10. I don't think Roby had anything to do with how the defense played today. If anything he saved a touchdown by chasing the Michigan player down while starting out about 40 yards across the field. Hoke going for 2 was awesome! I told my wife that if they scored he would go for 2. What happens? Exactly what I thought would happen. If they score that 2 point conversion, he is a god in Michigan fans eyes and instantly hated by OSU fans (more than he already is, although I think its more of a we like to laugh at him deal). That is what a rivalry is about, we all joked about OSU hanging 50+ on them, but in my mind I knew it'd be a ballgame. Michigan pulled plays out of their ass, that had they ran them against other teams they would prob be a 1-2 loss team rather than a 5 loss team. They put all their eggs into the basket for todays game and came a hair short. Next year may very well be the year they knock off OSU. OSU will be losing a ton of players, while Michigan will be returning a bunch of key players. Oh yeah, WAR EAGLE!!
  11. Water under the bridge at this point. Me and Trish have spoken, we're on good terms so no reason to carry this on any further.
  12. Lol@Newark Division!! Open offer to anyone holding an event, I you want/need help promoting it let me know. I will help anyway I can. My 2 biggest passions are kids and cars, I have no problem helping.
  13. Btw not 1 person has listed a single Facebook group they frequent haha. Oh and to avoid further conflict, I won't post our event on cr's Facebook page. Btw don't different groups have meets? Like a Ohio mustang meet? Is it out of line for us to invite them to our meets? I don't want to undermine their efforts or anything
  14. All she had to do was message me if it was an issue. I had no clue she even ran the site until I made this thread. That's all I'm saying, if an acknowledgement is needed, then come out, help our cause and well acknowledge your efforts like we do everyone else's. Btw our event isn't on the same date as anyone else's and we try to keep it that way just to avoid conflicts.
  15. I find it very funny that you claim your donations dropped when I started this considering not a single member that I know of, from CR, not local to us attends. I also find it funny that I have not seen a single post on here or online for your toy drive, I can't help it if you don't promote it. FWIW we have actually promoted other peoples events LOL. We share dyno days on the Newark Meets page, we share different toy drives through out Ohio on our toy drives page. In fact we will be promoting Super Fly Sundays toy drive which is next weekend in Akron. I take absolute offense to you and Trish's post and I really don't care if you like it or not. The only people who have commented on Central Ohio Subarus are people from Newark/Heath already HAHA!! Hell give me some info and or links and I'll promote yours as well. I will make sure I take a count of how many Subaru's and members of CR we have show up to our toy drive this year and I will report back just for you Intentional or not you're both coming off as real assholes. Arguing over a damn toy drive, I am sure if you promoted yours half as hard as we do ours, it would be successful. You can't just make a single post on here and expect people to come. You have no idea how many people we have been told no from, yet we continue pushing our event just as a way of showing them up and showing that we won't be stopped. If this is a huge deal, delete my thread in the events section, I can still get 200+ cars to show up thanks to the greatness of Facebook and networking. Credit is the last thing I want/need, if you look at any picture taken of this event I am always in the very back. I am never front and center, the only thing I am front and center for is collecting the toys and shaking everyones hand while thanking them for attending. I will extend the offer again, if you want to team up, come on out. I don't believe our name has any 1 group in particular taking credit. It is Cruise For Tots, not Newark Cruise For Tots, not Daddy Built Racing Cruise For Tots, not Ohio Drifting Cruise For Tots. At this point I am done arguing and defending myself against you. If it's a really big deal, PM me and we'll continue the discussion there.
  16. Haha I totally agree with the statement about all the time that goes into doing something like this. I know for a fact, I have spent well over 100 man hours making phone calls, meeting with people, emailing back and forth, plus promoting this event. Like I said this specific post wasn't made with intentions of promoting the event, I made one of those already on another section of this site. I am not stepping on anyones toes, you do yours, we do ours, kids come out happy at the end. That's the only thing I care about. We post up on our official page each year after the toy drive, giving thanks to the different groups, companies, ect that attend our event. We even post links to their Facebook pages and or websites. We aren't about taking full credit, we are about helping kids have a better Christmas morning each year. Maybe you could come join us for one of these events before passing any sort of judgement. I'll tell you this much, it's gotten bigger each year and I don't care if I piss people off in the process, I will continue to make it even bigger each year. First year we had 50-75 cars and 252 toys, last year we had 100-150 cars and 582 toys, this year my personal goal is to see 200+ cars and over 600 toys. We are trying to get this event big enough that we can donate toys to numerous places all over the state. Here is just a few groups who attend our event without complaining: Ohio G Club Ohio Mustang Stampede S.I.C.C Ohio Rotaries I am willing to give credit to other groups if they are willing to join forces. If not, then again I wish you the best with your toy drive(s).
  17. Weather is supposed to be in the low 40s, dress warm. We are close to 400 rsvp's so I am going to assume this years turnout is going to be pretty big.
  18. http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/1472063_10100363259257837_1169747691_n_zps08436e3e.jpg
  19. Hell this post wasn't even an attempt to push our event. I made a post for that in the events section already haha. This was just an attempt to find more Ohio based group pages so we can post up about this but also post up about our meets that we hold. The same meets that bring 500+ cars, you know things that better the car scene... I don't understand why people would get butthurt or upset about me posting a toy drive. If you do your own that is great!! The goal isn't about who's event is bigger or any of that, the goal is to help as many kids as possible. Isn't that why you hold your toy drive? I have posted on various pages this last week and have found local people who didn't know about our event but now do because of it. I don't think it's taking away from anything/anyone. The local bikers got all pissy with us when we started this event, mind you they wanted no parts of us actually joining forces with them. I guess you can't please everyone and will always ruffle someones feathers, I am ok with that though. So with that said, what are some groups people are part of on Facebook?
  20. I'll keep that in mind... Good luck with your toy drive btw
  21. Sweet! Toy drives for everyone!!! Local bikers do one here as well, I don't think you can have too many,can you? I hear there are car meets in Columbus, Akron and other places as well...
  22. want a good laugh? http://mbd.scout.com/mb.aspx?s=145&f=3154&t=12393762
  23. I had no clue you ran the page, nor was I aware that your group did a toy drive.
  24. Gotcha, do one... I'm sure people will go to more than 1. Chances are a lot of them won't drive to Newark, we hear it all the time "Oh if only it was closer"
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