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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Craig Krenzel says hello lol With that said I know a couple former players took classes such as Golf in order to remain eligible haha.
  2. Jeeze, and LJ thought I was a Buckeye hater.... Want more ESPN trolling/hating? Click this link and tell me which top 25 team is missing http://espn.go.com/college-football/overview Also this gem, which was the 2nd story on their CFB section yesterday http://espn.go.com/espn/story/_/id/9972501/ohio-state-buckeyes-planned-sensitivity-training-former-president-gordon-gee
  3. Big10 is def dominant in basketball, amazing how much respect they get in basketball compared to football haha. I watch the 2nd half of the game last night and honestly OSU was lucky they weren't playing a decent team. Ohio State only made like 4 or 5 shots int he 2nd half, thank god for free throws. Sam Thompson still amazes me with his leaping ability, I said this last year and ill say it again, he's the most athletic kid I have seen at Ohio State. Craft is a monster on defense and a good point gaurd, hopefully he can make it at the next level. Should be an interesting year for college basketball
  4. It was $200 to have this sandblasted, powder coated and dipped. That's not terrible considering the amount of work that it needed.
  5. Paragraph separation for the love of god! BTW I hate when a kid speaks his mind and gets in trouble for it. The question was asked, what's he supposed to say? Urban doesn't like embarrassing other teams? He's been embarrassing the entire conference since he's been here and is most likely going to attempt to hang 60 on every team OSU faces from here out. Hell if anything, it got OSU in the conversation finally!
  6. I know my wagon was cleared with 2 coats after it was dipped. I don't know if everyone does it that way or not. If anyone is interested, shoot me a pm and I can give you a couple numbers to places that do this.
  7. My buddy (not the one who did my wagon) has recently gotten into doing this as well. It's pretty crazy all the designs they have out now for this. He has been doing anything/everything. He dipped his hand before the last Newark Meet sort of as advertisement haha. I want to get my helmet dipped before next track season I think.
  8. I first saw this about 10 years ago when Orange County Choppers did a gas tank in 100 dollar bills. Since then I have wanted to have it done, well I finally got my chance. Local powder coater here in Newark informed me that he was able to do this, so I had him do a wagon that I am building my nieces for Christmas. The end result is pretty badass and now has me wanting to get more stuff dipped. Anyone else ever have anything dipped? http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/543933_10151994149341907_2088424203_n_zps36c15c2b.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/1467281_10152000923866907_1061894677_n_zpse812c5b5.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/1395446_10152000923871907_1862668310_n_zps7b9d63ac.jpg This is what the wagon did look like originally http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/558366_10151899746326907_1218094092_n_zpscd5514f1.jpg
  9. Evan Spencer ruffling some feathers and I actually like it: http://espn.go.com/college-football/story/_/id/9961924/urban-meyer-votes-ohio-state-buckeyes-no-2-coaches-poll What is the kid supposed to say? We're good, but we'd lose to those teams? Fuck that, speak your mind kid lol BTW I read this in the article I posted and took it as Urban is about to turn the dogs loose even more than they already have been: ""The message is you have to play great," Meyer said. "You're held to (a higher standard) to be even mentioned with those other teams. Be careful what you wish for -- that means you have to practice and play at a certain level."
  10. Evan Spencer ruffling some feathers and I actually like it: http://espn.go.com/college-football/story/_/id/9961924/urban-meyer-votes-ohio-state-buckeyes-no-2-coaches-poll What is the kid supposed to say? We're good, but we'd lose to those teams? Fuck that, speak your mind kid lol BTW I read this in the article I posted and took it as Urban is about to turn the dogs loose even more than they already have been: ""The message is you have to play great," Meyer said. "You're held to (a higher standard) to be even mentioned with those other teams. Be careful what you wish for -- that means you have to practice and play at a certain level."
  11. No thank you to any of those games outside of Rose and NCG. I was reading scout earlier and someone brought up a good point. He said that OSU is going to have to go undefeated almost every year in order to make the playoffs. A 1 loss OSU team would be left out almost every year. I believe Michigan St actually gets hurt by losing the B10 championship game, where Wisconsin betters their bowl because of it, while not even playing in their conference title game How is S. Carolina going to get a damn BCS game? They lost to Tenn for gods sake. I swear I hate that conference and ESPN sucking them off (their opinion plays a role in others perceptions)
  12. yeah, those matchup's do nothing to excite me. How in the hell is S. Carolina still in the top 10? They lost to Tennesee for gods sake, I really hate the SEC love. One loses you just move another into the top 10 to secure 2 of them make a BCS bowl. I saw someone posting on scout talking about how the playoff will be even worse, that a 1 loss OSU would almost be left out for sure. OSU is going to have to go undefeated every year if they want a chance of making the piddly 4 team playoff.
  13. OSU won't play Oregon, Stanford is in the drivers seat for the Pac12 championship game. Oregon needs Stanford to lose in order to even make the conference title game. Oregon could get an at large bid and play someone like Baylor. I'm sure someone has BCS projections out there
  14. MSU is still 16th in the BCS rankings...Need them to be up near the top 10. Also need Clemson to lose again. FSU's wins will look a little less impressive hopefully.
  15. MSU is still 16th in the BCS rankings...Need them to be up near the top 10. Also need Clemson to lose again. FSU's wins will look a little less impressive hopefully.
  16. OSU 3rd in BCS 1. Bama 2. FSU (.9169) 3. OSU (.8926) 4. Stanford (.8689) 5. Baylor (.8618)
  17. Rankings come out at 8 I believe and if that's true I give up on CFB (prob not true)
  18. 3 weeks from today and we are closing in on 300 rsvp's!!
  19. Nice to see Minnesota finally crack the top 25, MSU is still not getting much respect. I was in West Virginia yesterday at a wedding so I didn't get to watch any CFB Not a lot of big matchup's this week.
  20. Cmon Lou Holtz, give him a Stone Cold Stunner for us Buckeye fans damnit
  21. Yeah, too bad we cant have someone give Mark May a chair shot for us
  22. I really wish there was an alternative to ESPN, but there really isn't. They are the dominant force in sporting news
  23. Has anyone been watching ESPN's first take? Skip Bayless is on a 1 man mission to win Manziel the Heisman. I thought his love affair with Tebow was bad, good lord.
  24. Stanford lost to unranked Utah, they will not jump OSU. I don't think they would've jumped OSU had they won 30-0 either. I agree, come on LSU!!! Next 4-5 weeks are going to be fun: Alabama has: #13 LSU @Miss St Chattanooga #9 Auburn SEC Champ Game (given the make it here) Florida State: @Wake Forest Syracuse Idaho @Florida ACC Champ Game OSU: Bye @Illinois Indiana @Michigan Big 10 Champ Game Baylor: #25 Texas Tech @#14 Oklahoma St @TCU Texas
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