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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. How is picking Nebraska to lose against Wisky a homer pick? I actually want Nebraska to be ra ked high in 2 weeks, I just happen to watch a lot of football and Wisconsin is the better team, epsecially @Wisconsin
  2. OSU 8th in coaches poll Michigan is 2 amd Nebraska is tied for 6th with Baylor This weeks picks Northwestern vs #8 Ohio State (31-17 type ball game) #4 Washington vs #16 Utah (Utah by a late FG!!) #6 Nebraska vs #11 Wisconsin (I'm pulling for Nebraska here but safe bet is Wisky at home) # Clemson vs #14 Florida State (I think FSU somehow manages a td victory) Upset special Texas over #6 Baylor My picks may have a touch of homer to them lol but I honestly feel these are the out comes
  3. The no call was bullshit, but the blocked FG hurt more
  4. Idk who does OSU's scheduling but they need to be fired. The last 2 weeks OSU has gone on the road, at night, against teams co.ong off a bye week.
  5. I think OSU lands around 8 or 9 when polls come out. Need Nebraska to beat Wisconsin to fluff the reaume a little. Thankfully this is week 7 and not week 12, lots of football yet to play with tons of scenarios to unfold.
  6. Osu will drop to around 6. Face a top 8 Nebraska amd a top 3 Michigian before a potential confrlerence championship game. Win out and their in
  7. Jokes on Ohio State... Luckily season is still early enough to get it together and back in playoffs. Win out and they are in. Unfrtunately I feel less confident against Nebraska amd Michigan now.
  8. Absolutely horrible!! The lack of passing game finally caught up to Ohio State amd honestly at this point I expect another loss or two
  9. Maybe a drop in the rankings would help honestly. Last 3 weeks OSU has not looked like a #2 team. Since Oklahoma the passing game has gone to the toilet. Offense is very predictable, run up the gut...
  10. Expected 10-3 halftime score, got 12-7. I expect a 30-10 final score
  11. Passing game is awful, plain and simple. In my picks i said this would be a close game for a while til talent separates. I fully expect a 10-3 type halftime score
  12. I am going to put tbis game on mute due to tue annoying announcers. Missed fg "ooh that looked good and is reviewable" get the fuck out of here
  13. Im not going to say A&M is doing anything to warrant winning this game but the refs are clearly showing whose side they are on in this one.
  14. Bamas best player is Harris. They are beatable if you stop him. Their passing game does not strike fear in me at all
  15. A&M player who just forced the fumbled was being tackled by the o linemen...no call of course. Refs protecting that investment lol.
  16. Neither were good, but considering the source... Btw bama player clearly targeted amd didnt draw a flag. Gotta protect your own #secsecsec
  17. Herman most likely ends up at Texas, but USC is the biggest threat to steal him away in my opinion.
  18. "Herman was born in Cincinnati and still has family there, though he was raised in Simi Valley, California" Thus, he's a Cali guy... I mentioned in my picks that this game will be closer than people expect it to be for a while. Ultimately the talent takes over and OSU wins, but I am fully expecting a 7-7, 10-3, 10-7 type score after the 1st quarter.
  19. Everyone thinks Texas, but I have a feeling he ends up at USC. He's a cali guy and I think recruiting for USC is easier at this point that it is for Texas. Who does he have to compete against in Cali for recruits, UCLA? Texas he has 3-4 other big schools plus Oklahoma and others coming in to steal recruits.
  20. Or saw a 1800 yard back in college who would be playing against the best offensive line in the league...
  21. I know why its used, doesnt mean i have to like it. Especially when it sidelines the starting qb. I dont think Joe Burrow is Cardale Jones, so id like to keep JT as healthy as possible.
  22. I hate running quarterbacks, why even have a damn running back at that point? I hate when OSU puts Samuel in the wildcat and puts Barrett out at WR, everyone knows you aren't throwing the damn ball. You might as well bring in a second TE and just have an extra blocker. In my opinion, OSU is in the same position they were early last year, trying to figure out their identity. Once they got it sorted out and knew who they were, they were awesome. Hopefully, they figure it out quickly and don't lose a game in the process, which I don't see happening honestly. I don't think they lose a game the rest of the year in the B10, even against Michigan. I think JT goes for 300 in that game and OSU wins pretty easily.
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