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Everything posted by rb26deet32

  1. I didn't read the second page but from what I have read no one seems to have figured out the reason the vic was turning slowly. Old man in vic is sitting at stop light wanting to turn left on green. Perfectly fine. The old man sees a white truck/van in the left lane and a red mustang in the right lane coming towards him (from his pov). Since the old man is like everyone else in the world he is looking at the closer car since he wants to turn left. At this point there is most likely a large gap between the two cars. So as the white van/truck gets closer he starts to inch out because from his pov the red pos mustang is far enough away that he'll make it. It's one of those situations where you could go and maybe have to screech the tires a little bit or you could just sit and be safe. And we all know what the old fart did. But continuing on, the old man is inching out to go after the van/truck drives by. And then the fucker in the van turns right. I can't tell if he's signaling or if he's just turning with no blinker. So at this point you have the old man in the vic inching out into the intersection, some d bag in a white truck/van not using his blinker turning right and two fucktards driving down the road "racing" at least 60mph. So what you have from all of that is the van turning completely oblivious to the whole situation, the old man shitting himself because he most likely hit his brakes when he saw the van/truck was turning instead of going through the intersection and then you have dumb and dumber driving down the street at least going 60mph. That is all.
  2. blown '94 ls http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d153/rb26deet32/integra3.jpg?t=1291672628 347 foxbox http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d153/rb26deet32/mustang1.jpg?t=1291672675
  3. that was a good use of 2 hours. Thanks for posting.
  4. That's surprising as hell that it was only .1 slower than the mustang. But that's 0.2 slower than a m3 =-) I wont be buying either for a while though. But I guess I could just sell a few of my cars and get one.
  5. Now take them around some turns. The mustang was 0.1 seconds behind the new m3 on laguna seca. For somre reason I just can't see either of the other cars being anywhere near
  6. Not sure why they seem to all be bad drivers. I raced my buddies in my car a while back in a turbo honda and beat him bad. I then drove his car and then beat my car... People seem to forget a car will only go as fast as the person can drive it.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvgD9HNTMkM&feature=player_embedded :asshole:
  8. under 3,000lbs? Is that a type or are Lambos actually light now:confused:
  9. I guess no one told him that those cars are only designed to go in straight lines...
  10. New remote control It looks heavy...
  11. All he had to was tap the front brakes a bit to get the nose to come down and then he'd have the best flying car of all time.
  12. You wont get Arrested but they will give you tons of shit which if/when you are intoxicated WILL get you arrested
  13. Best 9 minutes of racing I've seen in a long time. But what's with the red speedo on the drivers jump suits?
  14. Only seen him once. Raced a friends R1. Well he tried to race it anyway. I guess he broke something the second he got on it. I haven't seen him or his daughters since... really I haven't...
  15. You will get stopped by police and will be told to leave if they are around. Ever since that damn pedophile dressed up in one and got a boner it ruined it for everyone. Wearing one now is just asking to get arrested
  16. That thing will be deep into the 12's with that kind of power
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