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2.oh so slow

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Everything posted by 2.oh so slow

  1. Did anyone else see this?? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080829/ap_on_fe_st/odd_help_wanted_nanny
  2. i said the same thing... i just wished we'd have put them in before... ben thanks for the advice, but NO>>>> i already had to talk him out of his Rambo rampage.... and make him come home! Well babe [kevin] looks like you ought to put in those security cameras now instead of later!!
  3. wow... she's going to have a good adult life, her parents really set her up for success!
  4. there needs to be more MEN like you in the world... when you are concerned with meeting your mates needs and they are concerned with meeting yours then everyone gets taken care of & cheating is a non-issue. +1 thats exactly what happens.... ... thats unfortunate isnt it.... there is NO reason to cheat ever.. if you aren't getting what you need then you need to move on!
  5. i have heard really good things about Butch's and of course I can always go for some Olive Garden bread sticks and salad YUM -[because its the nicest restaurant i get 360iroc to take me to] but Brio at Easton has my vote!! Nice atmosphere great menu not too expensive good bar!
  6. she'd probably bring in a lot of business that way. thats what the clubs should do then they wouldnt be breaking the law... but i'm sure they wouldnt get away with that either, they'd make another law.
  7. 2.oh so slow


    Hows comes when I log into my account now I have no ability to view any forum and I have no information anywhere. Thanks 360Iroc Kevin Clifford
  8. the problem is some people take it way too seriously.... it is a good way to keep in touch quickly with people you might not see or talk to on a regular basis... but it can be trouble....
  9. did anyone else see this the other morning on t.v? Wow. definitely not for teens... and not to be taken literally. check it out. should be a good discussion topic... AMY http://www.midwestteensexshow.com
  10. it seems to be pretty interesting... i didnt post spam...... if thats what you mean. somebody puts together books based on these confessions.. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1932112367/ref=ord_cart_shr/105-5334646-9581221?%5Fencoding=UTF8&v=glance this one is way better.... http://postsecret.blogspot.com/
  11. need to get a secret off your chest? do it anonymously @ http://grouphug.us/ there are some very interesting posts.....
  12. j c carpet on e. main street pataskala, ask to look at the remnants... i carpeted my old house that way... and it was a very high quality berber. but way cheap b/c it was a remnant.
  13. sexystang has the hook up on the carpet tiles.
  14. so if shes undisciplined on taking the pill she really should try the nuva ring [awesome]. it goes in for three weeks, off for one. very low maintenance. that would at least curb the pregnancy issue. unfortunately the guy issue is a bigger deal. i was totally mind fucked over a guy just like that. it takes a lot to get away or a big change in him/ relationship.... even when you know something is bad for you its hard to let it go.... be a good friend to her... sounds like she needs one.
  15. i want one... when and where and how much....
  16. 2.oh so slow


    i know that i'm not supposed to post in here... however... i paid most of that fee missy. although i do give credit to kev. for picking our dumb asses up... sorry for getting your butt towed....
  17. PUPS sold please lock thread
  18. and he didnt even want a finders fee?
  19. amy you stood me up @ sugar for QS&L.... missed you... next time your so coming... i even got my friends car towed. i'm telling you, you missed a good time.
  20. yeah about that... ask kevin about our luck with that.... they both took a shit. [for lack of a more appropriate term] actually come to think of it so did the last 3. i think it could possibly be operator error, but the operator gets mad when i pose that question. you should ask bill about the last one that ended up at the shop, in the bon fire i believe....
  21. so is there any chance you could bring a lawn mower when you come?
  22. so i would have double quoted if i knew how; anyway. well the whole family has gotten to witness the blessed event... i tell you with dogs cats and horses over here [lets not forget the rabbits] its like national geographic.... he's a lab mix... and she's really small, but actually they manage it quite well. the vet was amazed the first time... this is the third litter that we've had with the same sneaky neighbor dog. and usually she has five puppies... we were able to catch them in the act and i dont believe they actually got to finish.... i wont go into the gory details of that... arent you so glad you asked.
  23. tried to pm you.. apparently you need to clear some space
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