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Everything posted by Draco-REX

  1. You're kidding, right? Those days are LONG gone. The last "Good Ol' American FUCK YOU" was Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Cold War scared large gestures out of us, so now we tread lightly. This is far from a new thing, unless you believe Obama was setting foreign policy before he was born.
  2. Not sure about proper ratios when spraying, if I were to guess, it'd be about where you're at now. As for lower octane gas, the AFRs won't change. However, lower octane means the fuel is less stable. So often the fix is to run the mix richer to compensate.
  3. Obligatory Subaru post: 01 Subaru 2.5 RS Or maybe... FC RX7 (fun car and a new engine to learn about)
  4. Oh, for the record, I think swearing helps because trying to come up with creative swears distracts you from the pain.
  5. *was* She popped the little bugger out and is back. ..her tits are epic now.
  6. That's Physics telling Mother Nature to "Knock it the FUCK off!"
  7. The problem with this is that they need to actually get off their asses and DO SOMETHING about retard drivers, rather than reading a book waiting for their radar guns to beep. SPEED doesn't kill, it's differences in velocity.
  8. Nice cage, nearly to Rally spec. I missed the story leading up to this. What are your plans for this V6 RX7?
  9. Public Monitoring in Public Spaces is fine by me. If some big government agency really wants to see me picking my nose in public, they're welcome to. But if they want into my home, they have another think coming. And if they do this so they can ticket me for hooning around when the only neck I'm risking is my own, they can eat shit and die.
  10. Must be a heavy flow month..
  11. Aston Martin makes beautiful cars... Not so sure about the Rapide though.. I'll have to see it in person.
  12. http://www.the-whiteboard.com/autotwb1207.gif
  13. Just watched it. Very good. I'm looking forward to the rest of the season. I'm glad Josh didn't leave the boat. He'd never have forgiven himself if he left the boat on his dad's last season. Jake might take it rough, but he was traded off temporarily, so hopefully there's no regrets. It's going to be hard watching the Cornelia Marie during Opie season. I hope the kids come back to the boat and grow into the captain's house, like the Hillstrands.
  14. Nice cars, got to chase one through Hocking Hills at the '08 RiverRun. It wasn't anything spectacular though. I'd put money on an Exige or a higher end Elise against one on a road course though.
  15. For you guys who like to rage over Craigslist: http://www.the-whiteboard.com/autotwb1206.gif
  16. +1 Every Subaru Outback sold in the US is made in Indiana. As is every Tribecca sold in the WORLD. The same plant also assembles most of Toyota's US Camrys. Hyundai just opened a plant in Georgia I believe as well. If someone REALLY wants to support the American Worker they should research where a car is built first, not just what country the parent company calls home on their tax forms.
  17. Going to have to go with "no" on this one, Chuck.
  18. Put one in the hands of The Stig. Then we'll see what's what.
  19. One thing I've never seen one of these "victims" of unintended acceleration be asked is: "When you were pressing the brake pedal, did it go all the way to the floor?" If the answer is yes, they were pressing the accelerator.
  20. Wow, Toyota is the only one with Unintended Accelleration incidents, huh? http://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/nhtsa-data-dive-3-117-models-ranked-by-rate-of-ua-incidents/ Oh... Guess not. Granted, they have 8 of the top 20. But I see 7 Fords on the top 20 as well. Guess you're just as fucked if you "Buy American." Prius ranked 26th, btw. Here ya go, Incidents by age of driver: http://www.businessinsider.com/a-deep-dive-into-toyota-sudden-acceleration-accident-stats-2010-3 I see a trend.
  21. Bah... My Snopes-fu is weak..
  22. That kid parks better than most adults.
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