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Everything posted by Termin8er04

  1. Well people I ran the numbers with my father and I can't see myself losing this much on my car. Sorry to lead everyone on but I had the pistol cocked but the time just isn't right. Once again sorry to all..but im glad everyone likes my car so much ahhaha Thanks mike
  2. It's a Huntersville North Carolina Police car. They took a 350z as well IIRC. I think it is a ported Blower car..
  3. There was one other slut The blonde with the tan dress thing(no underwear by the way..I checked). I tried to dance with her but, she was more interested in the dudes that would Pop a woody when they dance...I don't get it.
  4. ^ what is a whattttttttttt? lol...Is it like Damn or what up hoe?
  5. I only knew zach there... All I know is that there was a girl with a lip ring and toung ring...She grinded like a PRO..Not gothic at all just slutty. That is all
  6. That sauce is the shit! Make it a twin pack from costco...
  7. Ok, I don't know you but, im saying im with phils group...So will 5 of my other friends...I'll be rockin a white shirt and jeans and black chucks..Halla at me.
  8. Not a mopar guy but....I'll take this one as she sits. http://xe8.xanga.com/d75a67e11953039340254/b12896144.jpg http://www.rwmotors.co.uk/assets/images/hennessey-viper-venom-1000-engine-2_220.jpg
  9. looks good!...Not to change the subject but, how do you like thoes rear tires?
  10. Should have got a dual orbital buffer..It works real well and you don't need to worry about hurting the paint. Then again I don't know how bad the paint is your workin with... What color car are you working with? The products you mentioned suck IMO. You really need to buy offline to get good stuff.
  11. little late but, woolite and water 50/50 mix. Thats what I use on my cobra seats...
  12. The Black cobra is mine. I don't believe I know anyone from marysville, but I could be wrong. Thanks Brandon!
  13. Termin8er04

    Match this

    http://www.carvehicle.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/car_and_girl_19.jpg She does this for a toyota....
  14. I want to know more about the old city....
  15. Little late....but sorry to hear this man. Hopefully it's not something to crazy. P.S. you can't just give up on her...just sit her in the garage and save up...Cory said you can drive his untill you get her back up.hahah
  16. I used to swim in the lake like 10ys ago then my parents told me about the coffins(early 90s coffins)....well haven't touched that water since.
  17. I'm In for sure!!! I need to start meeting some of the CR crew.
  18. ^thinking the same thing. Cobras of columbus hahah.
  19. I wish I would have got DSG...Get some CCW classics black with chrome lip and your bro will be BALLIN. Lookin good! I see your in powell. I never see your DSG around, it looks badass.
  20. Termin8er04


    I really need an alinement ...I got a dude that works at polaris, but only works a few days a week. Which location is this again?
  21. 4 year in communication at Ohio state. (going into 3rd year) I'm working towards being a police officer. (In Florida)
  22. I need some pics of my car sooo bad. I just polished her up for the dyno day, hopefully I will get some good one when I'm out there. Now is just need a good camera....
  23. ^hahah I saw this kid one time at rave parking lot doing like 100+ up and down the road to the stop light. I thought it was the most retarded shit ever.His ricer friends thought it was amazing...I lost all respect for him and his crew.
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