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Everything posted by ODoyle

  1. Its my second.The first child was normal and delivered down the pink tunnel.My little boy was deliverd via C-Section,so its a little nerve racking when you see someone cutting someone you care about open. Simple,I want a tighter va jay jay and he said he delivers. Everyone is doing fine . James leland Flanary III was born on 7/29/09 at 6:25 pm weighing in at a whopping 6lbs 3ozs with a length of 19 inches. We had a little scare at the end while the Dr was trying to remove James from the womb.As it turns out he couldnt flip over and come down the tunnel of love because the umbilical cord was wrapped tightly around his neck three times. The swift action of the Dr and OR staff saved our babies life. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b270/nodokaga/SecondsOld.jpg Thank you everyone for the warm wishes. This is what makes me love CR long time.
  2. We're talking about that now. I'm not sure if I will see it or not. After she gets her spinal medicine I'm allowed to come in but I'm not sure how far along he'll be when I get in the room. I need to go buy some cigars.
  3. Waiting on my little boy to be born . The C-section is scheduled for 5:30pm and I'm already getting nervous,I've never been so antsy in my life. The Dr and I met earlier this week and discussed that "Stitch" everyone talks about,I ordered 2 and he said he delivers. Pics to follow,I'm just being excited posting early. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b270/nodokaga/SecondsOld.jpg More pics to come as soon as I find the cord to the camera.
  4. Use the search button..This has been covered way more than once in the past.
  5. Please dont talk about me.
  6. Is the Mcdonalds included? let me do some research and call some people and ill let you know.
  7. Saved all of them for use at a later date.
  8. I see what you did there. It took me a second but I see it.:bangbang:
  9. Nuttin homie,just chillin like a villian.
  10. Think about how much faster it would be if there wasnt 40lbs of protective coating all over it.
  11. AMC Boyz are up in hurr.
  12. If is PrOn prease share.
  13. The Sting like the wrestler?
  14. I want to get back into a turbo car really bad. I had an 87 zx but i had normal suspention. I sold it because there was no room for a car seat. Now i can have one again and the hunt is on.
  15. I <3 the Red GTi with tan interior.
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