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Everything posted by ODoyle

  1. Just so we are clear this isnt an apartment this is a house owned by my wife and I.She is living in our basement
  2. Im the red head you met on Steak and Shake..Im more than capable of throwing her out
  3. We asked her to get a P.O. Box and she got her mail transferred anyways. I thought you only have to evict somone if there was a lease agreement?
  4. So my wife let her friend move in for a month and 1 month turned into 2 which turned into three. She never pays her rent on time or at all and always brings different guys over to fuck. I have asked her to not bring random men over to my house as I have a daughter and a house to protect.I told her today that in 7 days i am changing the locks and she needs to be out by noon on that day. She is refusing to leave and says she will leave when she finds a place. There is no lease agreement and my wife and I both are in agreement she needs to leave. She owes us for this months rent which is 200 and was due on the 15th. Am I legally allowed to change the locks and remove her property from my house? I dont even care about the past due rent at this time,I just want her out of my house. TIA James
  5. I left all my water running,flushed all my toilets repeatedly and had all my lights on. Actually anything I could do to use energy I did.
  6. I want Dynolicious for my BB Storm. I would be willing to pay for it.
  7. Yep blackberry maps works well too.
  8. Hockey is gay /thread
  9. Omg this thread was amazing,I just pooped a little.
  10. Bitch shoulda been barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen cooking and cleaning.
  11. I have Slacker,Myspace,Facebook and Weatherbug on my Storm. You can get Pandora for BB's just not the Storm.
  12. I would bend a girl over that couch.
  13. Im not wearing a gay name tag...Because im White and Big
  14. Then you beat their ass. That will make them think twice.
  15. Tell them you cannot possibly be gay,You are a Marine.
  16. What the fucking fuck. You stupid fucking mother fucker
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