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Everything posted by Bigfoot

  1. 600w rms 1200w max in a 1.65 cubic foot ported box. $80 sub and box are probably 6 months old http://columbus.craigslist.org/ele/4665568456.html
  2. Too much social networking had me mixed up, it was on facebook https://www.facebook.com/CovertTuningDynamics
  3. Video just posted on instagram of the car running, sure doesnt look like 2000hp though
  4. Everything only has 120 miles on it. Wheels were powdercoated, tires were mounted, they were bolted on the car at Kilkare then driven home and taken off. Only one pass. 18x8.5. Front tires are 235/40/18 Michelin Pilot Sport A/S 3. Rears are 265/40/18 Mickey Thompson ET Streets. $1200 http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/08/21/a4a7ypet.jpg http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/08/21/mesy8a9e.jpg http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/08/21/my2y5ena.jpg
  5. Ill be going up today after work, and staying till sunday morning
  6. Buddys Towing http://www.buddysrpm.com/ 614-496-0802
  7. lol Shoulda called me, could have saved you about $500,000
  8. 30,000 miles, new tires 5000 miles ago. Runs great no mechanical issues. You know you need this for the apocalypse. Price has leeway for serious buyers. Call or text with questions, 614-769-5725 See craigslist ad for pictures http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/4604512063.html
  9. 2 sold, only one left is Lime Green
  10. Bigfoot


    Welcome, do you hang out with the PPE crew?
  11. Yes, they all do. http://www.bladehq.com/item--Boker-Kalashnikov-Automatic-Knife--17106
  12. Dark green is limited edition, never used. $45 The lime green is also unused. $35 The desert tan was carried for a couple months and has wear $25 http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/07/15/uqupyryp.jpg http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/07/15/e6ezupeq.jpg http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/07/15/y8y8ebab.jpg
  13. Ive been driving a w212 E63 for a couple years now, and i remember taking a 25 mile trip on the freeway without touching the gas or steering wheel once and there was a traffic jam for about 5 of those miles, pretty amazing how technology has taken over.
  14. It is my bosses car, i am typically the one driving his cars, as he never takes them out, I was driving the SLS that day. The car is a replica of a Lamborghini Blancpain Supertrofeo car, Car was completely redone in carbon fiber. It was not cheap to do. http://www.gtspirit.com/2014/04/15/lamborghini-blancpain-super-trofeo-europe-round-1-monza/ http://www.motorauthority.com/pictures/1076591_lamborghini-blancpain-super-trofeo-series-heads-to-asia_gallery-1
  15. Seen that car this past weekend, sounded nasty
  16. The SLS is gloss white, pictures make it look matte
  17. Rolla is the man with these, he could answer any questions you have, he isnt on here anymore though, would have to reach him through the telephone
  18. Yes head pipe spacing is the same.
  19. PM Turborust (Derek) on here he will get you hooked up.
  20. If you are talking about for cars, downtown is full of good spots, some of these are by the spaghetti factory or whatever its called, and some just down the street from cosi. https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1.0-9/1012576_10152412342040421_443884588888469415_n.jpg https://scontent-b-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc1/t1.0-9/p417x417/10264495_10152420651835421_5101221286178136292_n.jpg https://scontent-a-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/t1.0-9/10277840_10152420651730421_4062271626717280031_n.jpg https://scontent-a-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/t1.0-9/10367171_10152420650290421_8673419716699242703_n.jpg
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