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Everything posted by fast91stang

  1. im talking about ethanol.....
  2. I saw it for $2.89 a gallon yesterday.........
  3. wtb subframe connectors for foxbody mustang i thought someone had a set listed on her awhile back, so if you still have them pm me plz.
  4. this is a msd distributor for a ford 302 it also has a bronze gear. price is $175 pm me if interested
  5. thanks anyways i really need something aftermarket
  6. I would prefer used...... i have dished out too much money as it is lately.
  7. wtb mustang shorty equal length headers for a foxbody need asap :woowoo:
  8. WTB a 4 to 6 inch extended cowl hood for a 87-93 mustang
  9. wtb grey mustang interior for a foxbody coupe
  10. It is not like they are dragging him out there. He chose to be out there, he will retire when he is ready..
  11. omfg i had to click it off after like 3 seconds, fucking gross...
  12. Hmm now i'm having second thoughts, i am supposed to get my wisdom teeth pulled next Thursday. My dentist does not think they will be a problem since they are full exposed, so hopefully no cutting, or breaking. I need to get it done though i am having tooth pain bad enough that it makes my whole mouth and even ear hurt.
  13. i am in need of a notary, plz pm me thx........
  14. Does anyone here actually own a bore scope that would not charge me a lot to check the bore on a engine for me.
  15. come on now someone out there wants to trade me a nice clean 96-98 gt or cobra..
  16. new price $7000 obo only until friday need to move this asap
  17. Sweet ill bust out my tribute.... :woowoo:
  18. let me know if anyone has a set...
  19. actually ADHD and OCD k thx get it right................
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