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Everything posted by fast91stang

  1. wtb 75mm egr spacer delete for 87 mustang. Also does anyone know is there another way to fool the egr sensor without getting a chip burned or buying the plug in?
  2. Wtb a 3 inch or bigger cowl hood for a 1986 s-10..
  3. wtb guage cluster with 140 speedo
  4. Sold!!!!!!!!! Lock it up....
  5. Bump $250 takes this stuff I need to get my new injectors and mass air meter.... someone buy this.....
  6. Nice pics!!! Glad to see the yellow stang is in there.... lol
  7. Fs is a set of ford racing 30lb injectors, c@l matching mass air meter and C@l cold air intake. Will take 300 obo I would also trade just the injectors and mass air meter for 24lbs and matching mass air meter.
  8. Funny thing is I swear i saw bigfoot or something in Maryland near where i used to live. I do not care if anyone believes me or not. I was 15, a buddy and i were riding bikes through some trails in the woods. We heard some rustling around over behind some trees, and stopped thinking it may be a mountain lion. Next thing I know this hairy thing runs right in front of us and through a huge patch of briers. It never made a sound or flinched. I thought it possibly could have been a black bear but it was running upright, and was taller then myself or my friend. (5'10") I never peddled so fast in my entire life. Again i don't care if anyone believes me or not.
  9. Is there anyplace at all I can get a flywheel turned on a Sunday.. This is probably a no, but thought i would ask anyways.
  10. no these heads are just temporary, i want to get a set of afr 185's.
  11. Should be pretty nice the car itself is a 87 white hatchback with a 4 inch cowl, interior is like an 8 out of 10, body and paint are near perfect. Ill get some pics up.
  12. Well I finally got started on project 306 today. I have had these parts laying around since March. I was in an atv accident and was in Grant Trauma for 6 days back in April. Sadly my leg injury had hindered my car progress. But with the help of a good friend we started today. We are hoping to be finished this week. Ill post pics up on Sunday of progress. Motor and tranny was pulled today. Here is a list of things going on the car. electric fan mega byte jr lowers and adjustable upper control arms mac shorty headers mac h pipe mac mufflers 306 new bearings new meiling high volume oil pump new arp oil pump shaft new pickup New arp bolts speedpro pistons comp cam specs similar to F- cam windsor jr. heads with 1.6 roller rockers holley systemax upper and lower 30 lb injectors matching c@l mass air meter 75mm throttle body and egr spacer (professional products) c@l cold air intake 8mm accel wires torque box replacements Fuel pressure regulator walboro 255 fuel pump Tremmec 3550 with pro 5.0 shifter Lakewood blow proof bellhousing zoom clutch Steeda adjustable clutch and quadrant cable kit Nitrous works plate system adjustable from 50-175 with purge black autometer 5 inch tach with shift light Autometer ultra lite water temp, oil pressure , and fuel pressure I still need subframe connectors, a bottle heater, 4.10 gear, msd 6al box. If anyone has a good price on these parts send me a pm...
  13. That sucks, hope you get everything worked out...
  14. My son is 4, he would love that. He is also a big cars movie fan.
  15. Thanks for the help guys, I found a great link to detailed instructions on the conversion. http://www.stangnet.com/tech/maf/massairconversion.html Lock this up!!!!
  16. I need a link to instructions to convert a 87 mustang from speed density to mass air. I have the computer and the plugin no wires in between. thx
  17. yea but it does not matter when you have a boat, you can just hose it out....
  18. Not a bad looking stang. Hood looks pretty good on it. Do t-top seals leak at all?
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