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Everything posted by TheCarGuy2021

  1. I thought about entering the lemons but I have some friends that were in it that ended up spending way more than anticipated on it. I made a thread on my local forum asking if anyone wanted to make a team, as I won't need the car come springtime, but the interest was not very big. If any of you guys were willing to chip in, I'm all for it.
  2. Also has oil cooler heater mod. http://photos-d.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sf2p/v152/80/53/1416120071/n1416120071_5775_9751.jpg Not a bad $300 beater that gets 50mpg (3 cylinder 1.0 liter @55hp). 135k miles and I've yet to have a problem with the car since I bought it at 110k.
  3. Does The A Team rattle can paint scheme count as a mod? http://photos-d.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sf2p/v152/80/53/1416120071/n1416120071_5787_2488.jpg http://photos-d.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sf2p/v152/80/53/1416120071/n1416120071_5783_1619.jpg
  4. I <3 macs. http://image.versiontracker.com/scrnsht/47272/188539/906powerhour.jpg
  5. Great marketing, terrible movie. I usually love stupid dumb movies, but this was just terrible.
  6. For what reason? More importantly, what's next?
  7. Why are you selling it? That's an old vid. What's wrong with women racing eachother?
  8. My Geo has 140k on its original clutch.
  9. We adopted all three of our cats from a shelter/adoption center for ~$40-$100. They have the best cats I would ever want.
  10. I would have to agree with what was stated above. Finding a weld inspector (or certified welder) to teach you would be your best bet. Live demonstration and one on one feedback as you weld makes it very easy to learn. I was fortunate enough to have a great weld inspector as a professor in my welding class and it made all the difference.
  11. The whip and pause motion was easiest for me when I started welding. You don't need two pieces when learning, just practice running beads across a piece of steel until you start getting consistent. You will probably start off going too fast, go slow. An auto darkening hood would also be a good investment.
  12. Baby buying stock and Bud Light airplane one were just good.
  13. Vitamin water shaq jockey is my favorite so far.
  14. Dinner in the signature room on the 95th floor of the John Hancock building is awesome too. http://www.bianchimarco.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/12/pict0014.JPG
  15. The digital dash is all OEM, however it is not a HUD.
  16. The Bud Light ones are alright. I saw a DSM get crushed in the Pepsi max commercial which made me smile.
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