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Everything posted by Nickey4271647545519

  1. NHRATA is a member on here and does amazing port work. Contact him. And do yourself a favor, don't go to M&M.
  2. Good stuff! I want to be tuned on my FiST but I'm worried about warranty and stuff.
  3. Sound Investment on Oakland Park. They've always been great to deal with.
  4. This position is open once again. Pay is $14/hr last I checked.
  5. As most of you know I did quite a bit of suspension work to this S10 earlier in the summer. It desperately needed an alignment after I was done. Lucore took the custom specs I gave them and then worked their magic. It drives amazing now. TL;DR: Go to Lucore for alignments & more. http://i.imgur.com/IxqZbRS.jpg?1
  6. Was this at a HPDE? I know quite a few insurance companies will cover "educational driving events" and not "timed speed events", meaning a HPDE should be safe.
  7. 04SVT does absolutely awesome work, I know a few guys who push dents for a living. It's not something you'll pick up in a weekend and you can fuck some shit up if you don't know what you're doing. TL;DR - Leave it to the professionals.
  8. Also, i say rebuild because you don't run into the headaches of something that "only needs a starter." Rebuild will take care of most of your problems and you'll have something you know the history of. Yes, 396 is a big block cheby.
  9. I'll add a vote for Dan and Breakaway. Great shop that we've worked with for a long time now.
  10. Looking like it'll be clear tonight. I'll have the S10 out I think. Hope to see some of you there.
  11. Meijer had a ton of it when I was in there last weekend.
  12. Northstar (who makes the X2power) seem to have good reviews online, so I wouldn't worry to much about it. I'm a Deka (East Penn) fan in terms of AGM. And I wouldn't touch an optima. Here's an olderish post that states who makes what. http://forum.ih8mud.com/threads/battery-information.610857/
  13. http://i.imgur.com/4a8esz1.jpg?1 Featuring The Jacked Up Band! Plus the following Awards! Maxton’s Favorite Fullsize Pre '54 Maxton’s Favorite Fullsize 55-57 Maxton’s Favorite Fullsize 58-64 Maxton’s Favorite Fullsize 65 and up. D.J. Choice Best of Show Class for all other Chevy’s Always a good time and always always always lots of cars. Had 300+ Chevy powered Chevy's last month. Free Registration! 6:00-8:30PM 70+ Awards - Presented promptly at 9:00PM Other special features: British Invasion DJ=C.S. Sound Entertainment McKee the Clown 50/50 Raffle Dash Plaques to first 200 T-Shirts still only $5!! 700 East Dublin-Granville Road Worthington, OH 43085
  14. Dozzers Garage and Lucore Automotive are both good bets. They both do a good bit of 6.0 work.
  15. Central Ohio Engine Rebuilders for the engine rebuild.
  16. I suppose they did. That shows how up to date I am on columbus' higher end restaurants.
  17. If it makes you feel better, Ruth's Chris is who owns all the "Mitchells" steak houses.
  18. I met that gentleman at Maxtons cruise-in last month, pretty neat car.
  19. Depends, most people park across the street or in the back lot. If it's something neat they usually let them park in front of the service drive doors.
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