As most of you know I did quite a bit of suspension work to this S10 earlier in the summer. It desperately needed an alignment after I was done. Lucore took the custom specs I gave them and then worked their magic. It drives amazing now.
TL;DR: Go to Lucore for alignments & more.
Was this at a HPDE? I know quite a few insurance companies will cover "educational driving events" and not "timed speed events", meaning a HPDE should be safe.
04SVT does absolutely awesome work, I know a few guys who push dents for a living. It's not something you'll pick up in a weekend and you can fuck some shit up if you don't know what you're doing.
TL;DR - Leave it to the professionals.
Also, i say rebuild because you don't run into the headaches of something that "only needs a starter." Rebuild will take care of most of your problems and you'll have something you know the history of.
Yes, 396 is a big block cheby.
Northstar (who makes the X2power) seem to have good reviews online, so I wouldn't worry to much about it.
I'm a Deka (East Penn) fan in terms of AGM. And I wouldn't touch an optima.
Here's an olderish post that states who makes what.
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