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Everything posted by natesomer

  1. well to talk about a few machine shops. fast racing isnt as good as he used to be. since the girls left they have fell off on some of there assy and machine work. hear alot of bad stuff about them at the roundy round track i go to. m+m, my buddie took some stuff down to him and he did good work and for the right price. hear alot of good stuff about him. wasserbeck speed shop is ok as long as your not in a big hurry. but what do i know i am the fng. lol
  2. you got a pic or some more info on the holley 2 br?
  3. got a few people i know got in. one guy owns a local car dealer ship. anoter guy i bowl with. they both said they had 4 or 5 people trying to help them. i just bought my viewer tickets. went to the milan pinks all out it was a blast!
  4. natesomer

    wtb- s10

    checkout v810.org theres a couple on there for sale. or go to mariononline.com go to the classifieds look in trucks. there is a 91 or 92 for $650 not sure if the guy still has it. or check out craigslist there is a couple on there for $800.
  5. what color is the interior? does it have bucket seats?
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