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Posts posted by Benner

  1. See a red model3 about every other day on my way to work. They look odd from the front end when sitting up higher (GMC yukon) however from the side and back they're a good looking vehicle. Hope you fully they do well and promote more manufacturers to hop on the electric bandwagon
  2. Well I got the Note 8. I really wanted the Pixel 2xl however there were a couple factors that swayed me.


    1. No headphone jack. While I know bluetooth is the new way to go, I really don't trust myself with not losing a $50 to $150 pair of decent blue toothsome while I can buy decent corded for around $25 to $50

    2. Ram. Every phone I've had I've pushed it to the point lagging badly. I know the add-ins of the Note 8 negate most of that ram.

    3. Screen quality. The pixel 2xl looked nice however the note 8 had that clarity and brilliance.

  3. I will say that there was a C7 Z06 Targa at CC&C this morning and I drooled a little bit on the lines of that fucker. My FiL has a "regular" 455hp C7 7-speed and coming from owning/driving C4/C5's that C7 is an interstellar spaceship. I can only imagine what the C7 Z06 is capable of......much less the new ZR1 coming out. :eek:


    I don't know about the ZR1, but a lift-roof C7 GrandSport or Z06 is definitely on my "to-own" list a few years down the road, maybe once the kids can drive and have their own cars. :)


    I've driven maybe 6 to 10 Z06's autos and manuals. They still blow my mind and make me smile everytime. Had a black on black carbon fiber trim and roof one today that made me smile like a school girl just sitting in it today. Only drove it maybe 100ft.

  4. So getting ready to get a new phone. Been a die hard Galaxy fan for years however the Pixel 2 so looks like a hell of a phone. Which should I get and why


    Edit: my wife has the Note 8 so I have slight experience with the Note 8. So i guess what I should be asking is, is the Pixel 2xl better in the "Raw Android Experience", speed, and customizability enough to jusifty purchasing the Pixel 2Xl over the Note 8.

  5. Not sure I’m sold on these cars. There’s a point at which they’ve maxed out the high hp, rwd car. May wait to see the mid engine version or look to an exotic. Anyone else think this car should trap closer to 140? I know this is not a 720s, but those are trapping 140’s with stock tires and (supposedly) less power—I know there’s a weight advantage but the vette has more torque. I’d pull the wing off this car immediately if I bought one and make a picnic table out of it


    Texas Mile no wing. 190mph



  6. Windows first.


    You wouldn't put a turbo charger on a car with a leaky radiator.


    This. You can also either rent or buy a thermal camera for a decent price that'll help give you insight to where your large temperature losses are.

  7. Saw a red one on 270 a week or two ago. Good looking car. Thought it was a Cadenza from a distance but didn't quite look right for a cadenza. Once I got closer I realized it was a stinger. Wouldn't mind test driving one
  8. Surprised we haven't had it yet. Had everything else so far this year.

    The toddler and 11 month old started late fall with group. Then I had Strep C then the wife had it. Followed by the wife and toddler having Pink eye, then me a sinus infection and the wife a mild one. I'm how getting over a pretty lengthy Chest and head cold, now the wife is getting it as wel. the girls are getting over Hand, foot, and mouth. Most of the kids at the sitters had that one.


    Fuck me what a winter.




    Oh and my sewer line is frozen today.

  9. Seems like he didn't care for it much...


    Inb4 you'd get it in auto.


    Not for sure but I'd probably get it in Auto. I'm really itching to drive the new 10-speed auto. I've been a fan of the Audi/VW DSG trans. I want to see a traditional auto trans that pulls these shift time but with cleaner feeling shifts.

  10. So hypothetical situation. If you go in front of the DMV and 1 party has $1,000 cash. Person 2 hands it over to buy vehicle 1 from person 1 and then person 1 hands that money back as purchase price for vehicle 2 would they be able to argue since the purchase was performed in front of an agent for 1k each vehicle?
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