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Everything posted by Benner

  1. Oh.........fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap And Boom goes the dynamite!
  2. I don't anymore but I still drive the GTP like it does.
  3. It's always nice to see a good intro among so many other crappy ones. +rep
  4. Install windows 7 on it then. Balance problem solved.
  5. State - Texas U.S. Territory - St.Croix. Lived there for 2 years and absolutely love it.
  6. So he's the little fucker that's always stomping everyone. I've been wondering how we got in with such a monster.
  7. The final is not Hott at all. She's completely devoid of any distinguishing feature that would make a person attractive.
  8. Getting ready to make the drive down to campus in the GTP. Not too worried.
  9. Benner

    I see no snow!

    Coming down pretty good here in Delaware
  10. Been having fun in the parking lot by my house with this. getting decent as controlling slides. Still not as fun as my dads silverado
  11. I was figuring something to the extent that he was drinking his beer and swallowed some of his skoal and puked all over the table, snacks, chips, and money.
  12. autoanything.com has pulled through for me as well a couple times. Replaced the grill on my old 96 S10 for a really good price and got there pretty quick.
  13. Thanks for the help Rob. Uncle's F-250 blew a brake line on me the other day and Rob got right on it and fixed it for a damn good price. Plan on sending you more business in the future.
  14. made me laugh pretty good because thats what I was wondering.
  15. It all depends on when you started. If the first year is 2000 then the new decade started on 1/1/10.
  16. http://www.Break.com/index/hot-woman-deals-with-home-invasion.html
  17. First comment is exactly what I was thinking.
  18. This guys lucky he's alive. Pretty sure he even had one to protect him. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjD01-lZ_jE
  19. Wondered how long it'd take you to reply Wagner. Henderson/Bisping is by far my favorite punch. That K.O. was absolutely vicious
  20. Guess 2009 had to claim one more famous person.
  21. On a world class basis. Vette ain't got shit on this. Luckily no one lost a limb. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SP3EIHp3AqE&feature=player_embedded
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