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Steve R.

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Posts posted by Steve R.

  1. This is banter will look like Mike Tyson in his prime fighting Stephen Hawking, bloody, sad, and will leave one person even more broken than before.


    To be honest I am willing to bet nothing will happen, one of these parties has a little more to loose than the other when it comes to a shit throwing fight.


    Indeed, I think that the fact they showed up here with a completed Murcielago SV really proves the point. I would guess they tell him good luck and see you in texas.

  2. Looks like the rental agency has that all covered.
    The rental companies each provide up to $1 million worth of liability insurance coverage on the cars during the times they are being rented. GetAround's insurance coverage is provided by Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway (BRKA, Fortune 500). RelayRides' users are covered by Hudson Insurance.


    To make sure customers are protected, some states have passed laws that dictate minimum insurance requirements for peer-to-peer car-sharing companies.


    Besides insurance, RelayRides and GetAround require that renters submit license information and submit to a check of their driving records before being allowed to rent cars.


    Also, owners have the right to decline a rental request for any reason -- or no reason -- at all. St. Clair said he won't rent to people who sound unfriendly. He figures it's not a good sign for how they're going to treat his car.



    You didn't expect me to read the article did you?


    I would still have someone look over the fine print.

  3. Seriously, I would speak to a legal advisor to see if I could create a contract of liability that who ever rented my car would be stuck with the ramifications of their actions.


    Essentially, I would own and insure my car as the law requires but while their in possession the contract would dictate that all responsibility would be on their shoulders/insurance. Of course I have no idea if this is possible but if i were to consider it, my first stop is legal council.

  4. fuck soda and pop, shits nothing but bad news from you. I stopped drinking that shit over 2 years ago. good old fashion water is the way to go.


    I have to agree with this one. I quit with Soda all together a few weeks ago, and if anyone knows me I didn't go anywhere with out my Diet Mt. Dew. It's been interesting.


    Not to muck up Paul's thread but you guys are correct. About 2 weeks after starting drinking just water you begin to crave it. I was one of those people that only drank soda, no water at all. :nono:


    Yeah, I am giving up soda/pop...sticking to cigarettes and mcgangbangs from now on.



  5. The first and only TT SV 670:)




    Priceless... That's way better than telling him to prove himself.

  6. I figured nobody wanted to see my shitty pictures lol.








  7. Like thissss I ment to post this pic(hence the thread) but forgot I fail haha





    Do you pay to import it or is it something sold in the united states?

  8. In a virtual sense I would think so. :p


    Well, usually we do when introductions include pics :ninja:


    My 07 WRX

    vf39 turbo

    turbo-back exhaust

    grimspeed EBCS



    It's a fun daily driver.


    Much better, we all hate intro's that lack information or a sense of effort.


    It was over your head at the time so I'll clue you in, no pics/info means not leaving the oven.

  9. Swing and a miss! Lol


    Just a few facts to help cure your ignorance:

    A deal, of any sort, can only be completed once BOTH parties have done all that they have agreed to do when they have agreed to do it.

    Nate never owned any part of IPS; so I will aid you even further by stating, one of the ORIGINAL owners of IPS.

    And lastly, only two of the employees who left IPS for CTD were at PTM.


    This is a good thing for Columbus as it helps to establish itself as a legitimate exotic car town and not just an overgrown farm town as it has always been viewed. We will have many exciting partnerships both locally and nationally to announce in the coming week or two.


    To everyone who wished us/me well, I say thank you. And to everyone routing for it to fail, I/we also say thank you as its hard to beat the amusement one gains from knowing that his/her success actually bothers another person (even so much so that they feel the need to take to a local Internet message board and type pseudo-clever insults about things they are unable to comprehend).


    Where did you go to college?


    Since you wont bother answering, I will. OSU. I think it is quite sad that you paid that much money for an education and still can't type something intelligent.


    This Wiggs guy is proof that money can't buy common sense or people skills

    Or a worthwhile education...

  10. Swing and a miss! Lol


    Just a few facts to help cure your ignorance:

    A deal, of any sort, can only be completed once BOTH parties have done all that they have agreed to do when they have agreed to do it.

    Nate never owned any part of IPS; so I will aid you even further by stating, one of the ORIGINAL owners of IPS.

    And lastly, only two of the employees who left IPS for CTD were at PTM.


    This is a good thing for Columbus as it helps to establish itself as a legitimate exotic car town and not just an overgrown farm town as it has always been viewed. We will have many exciting partnerships both locally and nationally to announce in the coming week or two.


    To everyone who wished us/me well, I say thank you. And to everyone routing for it to fail, I/we also say thank you as its hard to beat the amusement one gains from knowing that his/her success actually bothers another person (even so much so that they feel the need to take to a local Internet message board and type pseudo-clever insults about things they are unable to comprehend).


    Where did you go to college?

  11. I am totally lost and at the chance of flaming I'll ask this. 1. is the lambo not worked on at IPS? 2. are employee's leaving to start their own shop from IPS?. I thought IPS bought Performance theory and merged everyone to them??? sorry for maybe dumb question's I'm just confused with all I'm hearing floating around? And I thought they had a lambo tuner there??


    I won't flame you. Lambo build and PerformanceTheory are tied directly together. I can only assume that the employees that DWiggs said 'left' were part of the PT end.


    Unfortunately DWiggs has been 'stirring the pot' with tiny bits of information and refusing to expand upon them. This information is obviously not public knowledge, thus creating a drama filled thread which I am sure he uses to stroke his ego.


    His tendency to say stupid or illogical things keep us interested.




  12. You have no idea how poignant number (1) is! And you are exactly correct.
    You really need to start looking up words before you try and use them. It does not mean what you thought. Next time don't jump so high and use the word 'relevant'. Schmuck.


    Those are are some very serious accusations there; accusations that are way above your pay grade.


    But please, continue digging yourself a bigger hole...LOL!


    What does a pay grade have to do with accusations? Trying out one of those bad ass movie quotes?


    What hole can Phil, or anyone here for that matter, dig as a spectator to these events?

  13. Also, IPS never purchased PTM in any way shape or form. Again, no jabs, just facts. I realize that it's somewhat confusing for those ignorant to the actual situation as too often rumor supplants actuality.


    I can directly understand the fact that that these are just messages posted on a forum. Answer me this though, why would one of the owners post (please reference my last post) that they bought Performance Theory and why, when I was at the shop it explained to me by the guy at the counter who gave me the tour (who said he was part of PT) that it was in fact true?


    So unless you can prove otherwise? Why should I believe anything you say?

  14. Let's just say that there is a big difference between a vehicle being built BY a shop and one being built AT a shop. And no jabs, just stated facts.


    Here's your big difference, condensed. How is PT not IPS, when IPS owns them? :jerkit:


    To further take advantage of all the space we have here, IPS has bought-out Performance Theory Motorsports and now have their entire staff on-board.


    For those of you not familiar with PTM, Nate has owned the shop for a number of years and has done some great work with Lamborghini's and BMW's as well as Suby's and Toyota's among others. He brings with him years of experience with working on modified cars in addition to his engineering background before that. Coming over with Nate is Eric S. once again (Currently in a sales position here) even though he is the "Other" tuner Eric lol. The rest of the staff (Techs / Welders / Etc) were brought over as well.


    Existing client cars are all here now and a few "Future" builds will obviously be started on here at IPS -- most notably a Twin-turbo build on a Lambo LP670-4 SV that is dropping off this week :)


    Any questions or comments please email to: sales@ipsmotorsports.net

  15. looks like wiggs took his ball and went home.


    OK, so HERE is the BIG NEWS!!!!!

    My wife, Emily, and I have decided, after much discussion, thought, and debate, that if we truly wanted to have the best cars with the highest quality work around, we needed to open our own performance and car audio/video shop! Stig will officially be the first car to roll out of Covert Tuning Dynamics (CTD)!! I apologize for the delay but I was so busy getting everything set up and moving that I haven't had time to post.


    We are in a temporary 10,000sqft. space for 90 days whilst our 35,000sqft. custom, state-of-the-art facility is being completed. We will have two absolute top-of-the-line dynos (one car, one motorcycle), custom fab shop, car audio video, 10 lifts, truck lift, motorcycle lift, etc. etc. We have top of the line Corghi tire mouting and balancing machines, nitrogen filling stations, and will soon even have our own 5-axis CNC machine. With Nito as the shop truck, we also offer nationwide pick-up and delivery!


    CTD will specialize in making ultra-high-end custom components and kits for all of the top vehicles. As such, I am VERY proud to announce that Robert of Robert's Car Channel will be using CTD as the sole modifier of his cars; and, in the case of some vehicles, the 'corrector' and 'improver' of vehicles completed by other shops. We have some unbelievable projects planned for his vehicles this Summer so be sure to stay tuned!


    Also, it is our intention to offer custom, high-end, private storage facilities built to spec for car enthusiasts around the greater Columbus area and beyond. This is just the tip of the iceberg folks for CTD so please like the Facebook page as the website is currently in development.


    As far as Stig goes, because this is my shop now doing the build, a few changes were made. We've decided to do Stig in 2 stages. Stage 1 is what has been going on currently. With a few upgrades, he will be up and running at some point this month (when, depends on vendors). Stage 2 will most likely go into effect this Winter which will make Stage 1 look puny by comparison!

    i'm guessing "stig" is his car


    Not even going to bother correcting Wiggs' English skills.


    There is a fuck sammich in the making.


    Facts to consider (not necessarily in chronological order):


    -DWiggs likes Performance Theory

    -IPS and PT combine

    -DWiggs buys expensive shit

    -CTD's domain is registered to PT @ IPS' current address

    -IPS owners sell off their part

    -DWiggs claims to not spend any money

    -DWiggs 'shop' has top of the line machines like IPS

    -DWiggs 'shop' is equal in size to IPS

    -DWiggs also has coverttuning.org


    I already have my opinions, formulate your own.

  16. Depends on your setup. If you're running a Core i3/5/7 with the Intel HD2000+ you're doing alright.


    Edit, try this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814131463


    And I've seen $30-$40 AMD 6000 series cards at MicroCenter before.


    I am pretty sure that's not the link you meant to post.


    OP, if you can handle it being shipped from SC, I have a Radeon X1650 Pro (512mb) that I would let go of cheap, but it has a dvi-output.

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