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Everything posted by nyall86

  1. I want it... my neighbor up the street has one that sits in his driveway... i think i might offer him some money for it sometime
  2. nyall86


  3. Seen them live the past five years in columbus.... they put on an awesome so... you wont be disappointed
  4. HAHA Rachel..thats cause your a picker! Keith and I get to slack in the office
  5. 3rd shift is the best... I work 3rd with turbospec.... we sit in the office and read this forum every night haha
  6. They are dirt cheap these days.. I got a 600 watt for like 70 a couple years back... i would imagine they cost less now... and yes I would say that it would be power issues...if that doesnt work make sure your BIOS settings didnt change. I had a problem with that once.
  7. That night was awesome... till the cops showed up.... umm his name is Cory the guy with the white 240sx
  8. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v225/nyall86/retarded.jpg
  9. http://www.speedtest.net/result/211262466.png work : /
  10. Hahah me and bigbirdspecv listen to that channel when we are loading trucks at work ahha
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