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Everything posted by nyall86

  1. My Boxer is about 4 months. My friend owns property by alum creek which back sup to one of the coves. Me and 2 friends went there with our dogs and we all just jumped in and all three dogs followed. I dont think she was expecting the water . After that she swam really well.
  2. SO you want to rice your American muscle? JK
  3. Hmmm sexy http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v225/nyall86/zoom_Vette.jpg
  4. Looks crazy. I love that actor.
  5. Well I think there are a couple of guys on here who own Starion's, I know at least one does. I'm sure they will chime in.
  6. I'll have to check it out and see. Top gear just isn't top gear without Jeremy and the rest of the crew
  7. That looks fucking sweeet. I wish I would have gone!
  8. The HR lady at my job is leaving. Here is the link to the job description http://www.marketday.com/about/careers_jobdetail.aspx?id=513&job=74&loc=926201 Put me as a Reference
  9. Oh and I better get some positive rep when you see what nice quality it is
  10. Are you selling any of the xbox games without the system? If so can you gimme a price on GTA 4 and Call of duty 4?
  11. HIN ha ha http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v225/nyall86/hinme.jpg Me and my Boxer http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v225/nyall86/madisonandI.jpg Me and my gf http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v225/nyall86/leslieandI.jpg and again http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v225/nyall86/lesliemebento-1.jpg At the hospital for the National Championship game ( damn appendix) http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v225/nyall86/hospital.jpg
  12. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=49407&highlight=spent+sunday
  13. How much for just the console and controller?
  14. nyall86

    WTS xbox 360

    Dam I wish I saw this earlier!@$
  15. I have skied behind my girlfriends dads boat on Alum Creek on Sundays with no problems at all.
  16. Yeah I didn't think it was worth 25 bucks. I thought there would be more cars.
  17. Happy bday dude... we need to party sometime soon its been awhile!
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