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Everything posted by nyall86

  1. Idk what the big deal is. BigBird, Stimmel and I got some while we were working on my car and it wasn't that great.
  2. One dog of my own and my roomates dog http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v225/nyall86/harleyjump.jpg
  3. Nice runs everyone. I really enjoyed seeing your car Brian, you too Shanton. Also nice to meet a few people.
  4. Cool Project. That will look pretty badass when its done.
  5. Looks like the Demo is on xbox live. Downloading nowww
  6. Try to surf porn on their public wireless... I bet you get a message from saying the sonicwall blocked you haha. My company configured the device for that location. So no hotmilfs.com for anyone while surfing the web during a game
  7. That sucks. My brothers house is right there, I always see your car parked. Thats not even that bad a part of campus. When I lived on 12th and summit it was bad, people tired to break into our house like 3 times and there was a swat drug bust right across the street from me. I'll tell my brother to keep an eye out.
  8. Keith go get a IT job with your degree already...................
  9. yeah got a 2001 1.8t jetta from my dad
  10. nyall86

    The Playoffs

    Haha.. yeah we should probably try and not get into trouble in Detroit. You are a degenerate gambler that might be hard.
  11. nyall86

    The Playoffs

    Yo debo are we getting the tickets for the game in Detroit on Sat?
  12. ahaha thats hilarious
  13. awesome vid, awesome thread.
  14. Also I live in Worthington. So we could meet up and you can take a look at it.
  15. Great condition like new. Comes with everything in the original box. I love the phone I just want a blackberry.
  16. Ill trade you my Dare for the Curve. Pm me if interested.
  17. Yes this caused lots of issues for my company yesterday.
  18. nyall86


    Debo what happens when u get a flat now? No Spare! He Brought this over last night and its pretty awesome.
  19. nyall86

    Fuck you DeVry!

    Same here. But I got a job 3 weeks after I was done so I'm not complaining.
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