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Everything posted by SinisterSS

  1. not sure what direction your heading but if you don't want to spend tons of money and if these parts will work in a 5.3L, I have some used lifters, rocker arms, push rods, camshaft, oil pan, I think I still have the oil pick up tube that goes in the pan(not sure if either will work in the 5.3L), a few valves and valve springs out of a 6.0L LQ9 block that had less then 1,500 miles on it, I bought a long block for my camaro and didn't use any of that stuff, I had a set of LS6 valve springs and retainers but those are spoken for, I just wanted the block
  2. edit: I found 1 case of Honda/Acura power steering fluid in my over head storage, there's 12 12oz bottles in 1 case, $25.00 for the case
  3. :gtfo: I've been a Honda/Acura tech for over 14 years, the main relay in hot conditions (like we've been having) will fail, and judging from what he is saying(cranks but wont start) its a main relay! op next time it dies see if any of the dash lights stay on, if so Main Rely if not electrical portion of the ignition switch
  4. main relay, see it all the time
  5. SinisterSS


    Rickenbacker is still a refueling base for military aircraft, KC-135's are still stationed there, I see F-16's, F-18's, C-5's, C-130's, every now and then a B-52, and several Helicopters fly over heading towards there
  6. did anyone play Dead or Alive 2 for the Sega Dreamcast? bouncing boobs!
  7. hey stupid if your gonna sell your car get an LS1, not a bike your retarded ass will kill yourself, plus how you gonna get around in the snow?
  8. the arcade version was awesome, but the console version was crap
  9. I had the Crane Cams progrmmer with all those features, its worth it for guys who know what their doing and have mild mods done, cars like mine need your dyno
  10. SinisterSS


    this^^ my bank charges me $4.00 when I use my Debit card at a gas station as DEBIT, they told me to use it as credit and there wouldn't be a fee
  11. phil are you really that dumb?
  12. and yet once again NO evidence
  13. a guy at work said they're telling we the customers they had a power outage causing all the failures to cover up the truth that they were doing some kind of an update that went wrong creating this HUGE cluster fuck
  14. 2nd McSteak, nasty ass HEADERS, car only has 1
  15. get a box of cheesy potatos, and 2-3 frozen boneless skinless chicken breast and mix it all up and cook if for about 35min
  16. SinisterSS

    LSx guys

    what you talkin about, my cam is stock :ninja:
  17. this is Bullshit, the cable in my area is down I'm gonna be pissed if I miss it
  18. SinisterSS

    LSx guys

    I have the loudmouth 1, people seem to like it: http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=21856572
  19. Uncharted 1 & 2, God of War 3, Resistance 1 & 2, Killzone 2, soon to be Gran Turismo, theres pleanty more
  20. agreed, been talking to my g/f about looking/getting a 3D tv, hopefully the 3D stuff carries over to the games too
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