i think your full of shit..someone should compare his ip to a guy on another forum..sounds like the same asshole....
the 81 mercurys gone buy the way..i have an 88 mustang :bangbang:
im betting its a competition orange 04 cobra...now :gtfo:
that he payed alot for and the motor blew up a week later. then it got an aluminator long block put in at cincy speed....am i getting warm here ?
yeah ill go dig it out today i forgot someone wanted pictures.....its wrapped in plastic.....
68 block 30 over, forged pistons...thats about all im sure of currently.. i was told it was balanced but never had it double checked
your car more then likely pointed out the higher dollar car out there, witch on tv makes it look better for there case. they didnt pull over a few honda's and a metro. they had a vette. i personally would have gave it the most attention also..
when did this become new news? most people drive to many miles or are just to hard on tires to worry about this. i did have a set of 20 year old polyglass tires split apart one time.....lmao but they sat on a car in a barn for 10 years of it.