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Everything posted by Wonderboy

  1. Thats why you should stick with an auto trans.
  2. Hey dammit, I made some pretty good points on the last two pages so kiss my ass. :asshole:
  3. I think that you may also be included in the fucking.
  4. That was fuckin cool. Ive never seen nothin like that before. I bet he was feelin pretty shitty afterwards.
  5. "More recently, a spat between Ethiopian and Coptic Christians is delaying badly needed renovations to a rooftop monastery that engineers say could collapse." Hopefully it waits until its packed full of these people.
  6. No they finally went away, but they were nice ones! Plus its kinda hard to tell any of the burnout marks apart in our parking lot... we have quite a few. lol. Probably too many now that I think about it.
  7. The old school ways are kick ass. I've always said that I was born into the wrong generation. lol. I mean, I still dont have a fast enough car to take part in that stuff yet but, I sure do like to watch.
  8. When/ where did you see it? Were you the fucker that wouldnt shut up during the movie? lol juuuuust kidding.
  9. Sounds like its about time for an ass beating. Or atleast a stern talking to.
  10. Well the wreck that occured last night involved a mustang and t-bird. The last big street racing bust was some camaros, mustangs, vettes, and things of that sort. There was the cobra guy not too long ago that killed his baby when he crashed during a race. I cant think of any recent issues that involved econo box, ricer cars. Im not trying to make like a big argument out of this, Im simply stating an observation. The guys out west that you are talking about seem to have their shit together. Too bad everyone else cant do the same.
  11. Wow, thats ultra fucked up. How do you guys know for sure that its him? Has he done this kinda stuff before?
  12. Do you have any info that could make finding him a little easier? Like vehicle or side of town they are from? I dont mind doing my part to help out.
  13. Hmm.... good point. I guess it can be just as simple and obvious as that.
  14. Well its still trickier than just pressing the Go pedal. And in my particular case, having fucked up synchros doesnt make it any easier. And this is still off topic.
  15. Wonderboy

    Role Models

    This movie is fucking hilarious, I just got home from watching it. Do yourelf a favor and go see it... now! Watch out for the "whispering eye".
  16. I know that guy. He used to hang out at my shop all the time back when Nick was still our service manager. I remember him being a nice fella and I remember his car being pretty damn sexy.
  17. Scott, I've got one word for you... Sparks.
  18. I agree completely. I have proudly claimed to be an athiest for a few years now. But i do however find religion and the effects of it to be very interesting. And I find this whole situation to be particularly juicy. I dont remember anybody calling bush the anti-christ during his campaign. I wonder what so different about this one.
  19. Thats so fucked up but, soooooo damn funny. This poor girl had no idea what she was in for. lol
  20. Wonderboy

    Captain Law Boy

    Hal and some other guy were having a pissing contest. I think they both just kinda ended up wet and smelly.
  21. Is there anyway to find out who posted something on craigslist even if they keep their info private? Can you contact anyone?
  22. I know that everyone blames the movies for all the problems but, I dont think that its the biggest contributor. Most of the people that love those movies are people with early 90's rusted out imports who dont know shit about racing anyways. Most of the wrecks and BIG busts that I here about actually seem to involve high horsepower cars like built mustangs and camaros, not busted ass econo boxes. I think that alot of the hype and popularity comes from all the kids that grew up watching thier parents do it have now grown up and got license's. Most of the other car guys that I talk to always say stuff about building cars with their dads not, vin diesel did it so now I want to too. I dunno Im probably wrong, I have been on a losing streak today.
  23. I agree with kenny, the drivers test should be a little more involved and difficult. It wont make people drive slower but, maybe they can involve something that could help prepare people for bad situations and how to avoid them. I know that if I was the instructor during my in-cars and driving test, I would have failed myself. I fucked up a pretty decent bit but, because I was driving a stick shift they took it easy on me, and thats exactly what they said. I didnt learn about controlling a car until I lost control of one and ended up in a ditch. Then I learned not to do that shit anymore.
  24. Thats pretty fucked up for the craigslist add to be name dropping like that. Isnt that called slander, or something like that?
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