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Everything posted by Wonderboy

  1. What a piece of shit. If only it were possibly to switch that childs life with his. This one is very sad.
  2. NAAAAAAAAAAAWZ!!!! ::dramatic leap away from the burning car:: I love vin diesel!
  3. Ill talk to my bossman about it but, Im sure I can get him to be ok with it.... I think. I sure hope he will because so far the only person that planning on burning the tires is one of the mechanics at work with his malibu. He's gonna need some competition. I would be more than happy to burn my shit up but Im still breaking in $800 worth of clutch and flywheel so I gotta take it easy on my little bitch. On a side note. Where is everyone meeting on friday night? Cause Im lookin to hang out and chill somewhere since I cant really tear my car up at the moment.
  4. But, on a serious note. I think now that I got the clutch taken care of Im ready to go faster. Im thinking like a 75-100 shot? Im not really sure yet but, Im out to get you all! Even if I have to take a sawzall to the interior of my car to get light enough to go fast, Ill fuckin do it.
  5. Dude, didnt you read my last post? I got latino power on my side! Are you sure you can handle it? lol
  6. What size 17? I got some 215/45/17's in the garage, I know that those are a little skinny compared to your shit but that should only make it easier to get your car to spin the tires! And the whole changing otu tires thing is cool with me but, we will have to clear that with the guys up front. Like I said, even if you dont burn out you can come and enjoy some free wieners!
  7. So check it out ya'll. I just put in my new clutch and flywheel, so im like totally faster than all you fuckers and Im gonna run every one of you!!! How's that for shit talking? You can all kiss my sentra's ass! (Go mexican domestic market!)
  8. Well the bossman just said 3 because he needed a start/finish time to approve it with corporate. But, as long as there are people there the party will keep going. So you guys need to show up so we can keep this shit going. And like I said, if this turns out well then we can have more meets/events in the future, which means more free food for you guys! Also, I just got word yesterday that we are gettinga HUGE grill to cook out on so this should be cool. And you guys need to find some damn burnout tires! Well I guess it will still be a good chance to meet and hang out, even if there arent any burnouts but, we got special clearance from the town of canal winchester to do burnouts and raise hell! woohoo!
  9. That car is sick! Wow, thats the first time I've said that about a honda. lol
  10. Nope, no trophy's. But anybody that does burnouts gets $50 off coupons for tires and I think they got some kinda gift cards or something to give away. Im not completely positive on that stuff. Its just more of a meet/ free food type of deal. This is also the first time that we are trying something like this so you guys should help us have a good turnout so that we can do things like this more often and hopefully get it bigger/ better each time. And for those worried about the game. We will prolly have it on the tv in our waiting room and also playing on the radio in the shop. So you will be able to keep a lookout on the score.
  11. Yup, we are all pretty excited about it too. we are really hoping for a good turnout. and even if you guys dont want to burnout, you can atleast use this as a chance to meet and hang out or whatever. im kinda bummed that i wont be able to do any burnouts cuz i just installed my new clutch and flywheel this morning and there is no way that it will be broken in by then. Dont forget about the free food and car wash too!
  12. Hahahahaha! Im a huuuge nissan fan but, I couldnt agree more!
  13. I have to have one. That is amazing.
  14. Im curious about plenty of things. I just dont think that playing around with the forces that possibly created us and everything we know is a good idea. Cant they find something constructive and helpful to waste all that money on? Like maybe something that will help the human race? I dunno I must be a dumbass or something. Plus you have to admit that the timing of this and the "end of the world" theories is a little wierd. I just watched somethign on the early show about this whole thing and the scientist was talking about how they might be able to open door ways to other dimensions or some wierd ass shit like that. First off, we cant even handle our own dimension/ world so why go lookin into other ones? And secondly, if they somehow do find another dimension, there better be some kick ass monsters/ zombies to kill. Cuz thats the only way it would be worth while. My final issue is that, if there is no risk at all. Why are people coming forward to say that there is? I doubt that the people who are against this just made up some bogus theory without any evidence to prove it, or atleast not without a decent arguement. Plus the fact that if this could effect us on a worldy level, what gives them the right to do it?
  15. So those saigas are built off of AK recievers??? Cuz thats what it looks like. That is frickin amazing. How much do those typically run?
  16. There is a sub-aquatics place off east broad that does it. The guy at jegs said it was about $30 or something like that.
  17. A glock is the way to go. They are small, light, and rediculously reliable. You can pick them up for really good prices too $400-$600. That is my home protection of choice. I have an AK also, and I have the same concerns about never using it for home protection because of the same things you mentioned.
  18. Thats true. And it gave my drunk ass something to do last night. And it gave me 2 -rep. Sweeeeet
  19. Well I dont have $50 but, Ill run anyways.
  20. Im not going to be able to make that one. I gotta work. But I might be trying to go to kilkare or trails for a test and tune night soon.
  21. Wonderboy


    I was already drunk at 7:30 Im finally sobering up now. Its time for bed. But, sometime for sure.
  22. Thats fine. Pups have the sharpest teeth! <--- Wow. that was gay.
  23. Holy shit that is amazing! Also, back on topic. This whole theory that they are trying to prove is some scary shit, and I dont see any reason why it needs to even be fucked with. Why cant people just be happy to be alive without having to prove why or how? I think that no good will come from this.
  24. Well Im not gonna lie.. its a little tough going from the minor leagues to hanging out with the major leagues.... you know what I mean? But, all you guys seem real cool and Id like to come out more often. Thats why Im hoping the rain will hold off this weekend.... do you think he preffers strawberry or chocolate scented?
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