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Everything posted by Wonderboy

  1. Wanna come play gamecube with me? Ill provide the lube and loud talk radio, you provide the angus.
  2. Well this never got any Better while I was sleeping. Trolls is weak sauce. I name myself as the winner.
  3. I think you should wipe the spooge off your mouths. Damn nutswingers.
  4. Sexing children that know the macarena LOL
  5. That chick is like 14, are your standards that low? How unfortunate.
  6. I was trying to imply that it was him. I failed.
  7. ^ that would have been funnier if i knew how to post pictures properly. damn internet.
  8. It aint how you stand by your car LOL Apache likes to wear low cut shirts LOL http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://ultimategto.com/2004/04_00019_3.jpg&imgrefurl=http://ultimategto.com/cgi-bin/showcar.cgi%3Ftype%3Dlot%26pic%3D/2004/04_00019_3&usg=__KYYmBCzqytSMuABP3bvddo8tQo8=&h=452&w=590&sz=80&hl=en&start=1&zoom=1&tbnid=OdhSc3B605DJQM:&tbnh=103&tbnw=135&ei=BEczT5fqC8zgggeqovGcAg&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dyellow%2B04%2Bgto%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1
  9. And I dont care what type of vehicle it is, I take pride in everything I have. Ive also got an rx7 that hasnt moved under its own power since ive owned it and Ive got pics of it on here somewhere if youd like to post them too. This is still a pretty weak comeback as far as Im concerned.
  10. Actually my buddy with the z behind me was taking pics that day. I was just cruising around with him and enjoying the cars and nice weather.
  11. Drink just much as everyone else but, post about it constantly on CR in hopes that someone will reach out and help me LOL
  12. Maybe you'll like me more if I start being as creative and witty as you by quoting the same played out shit over and over. ten weeze kahn b freeendz?
  13. Thats it? I finally get home internet again for this? Holy fuck you are lame. BRB, canceling my uverse and going back to living life outside of the house. Thanks alot.
  14. because party but, ill be back out again this coming year. i actually kinda miss sitting in a parking lot talking to a bunch of dudes. yes homo
  15. Secretary that cant type still has 3 holes so, your point is not valid.
  16. Terribly sorry for the misunderstanding. :gabe:
  17. I wish I knew what you looked like so I could make a comment about you but, Ive never seen you at ANY cr meet or function that Ive ever been at so yeah. Im sure you were too busy sitting at home contributing to the forum in other ways such as, posting dumbass quotes about someone being a cheeky cunt over and over. LOL
  18. Attractive man and Im on my knees LOL
  19. SENTRA SFS (super fucking sweet)
  20. Hope that all my internet buddies really care about me because my real life is very lonely and painful LOL Fall in love with the most attractive guy on CR and constantly make references about his winter/ beater truck so that he notices me LOL
  21. Make retarded posts LOL Think Im fucking cool LOL
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