I completely agree that at one point in his life, he was a great musician. I already stated that when I was growing up I was a HUGE fan of his. But, no amount of "contributions" to anything will ever wash away the thoughts of a man doing inappropriate things to a child. Therefore I am not sad about his passing. In my opinion he died along time ago. And you can say he was found "not guilty" all you want but, he had more than one child accuse him of similar acts. Do you think its really a coincidence? And I by no means "worship" the media, I barely pay attention to the news, tabloids, etc. But, I can look at a situation and judge for myself how I feel about it. There was just as much media coverage about him being innocent as there was for him being guilty.
And +1 to the guy above this post. ^^^ Plus, MJ had no effect on Punk Rock or Metal.