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Everything posted by Wonderboy

  1. Well people dont typically get randomly accused of crimes for no reason. Yes I know innocent people do get convicted and imprisoned but, not that often. Why would you even put yourself into a position where you could be accused of something? If you dont want to get accused of fooling around with children then, do not put yourself into that position by having "special" relationships with them. And for the last time, I understand he was a great artist at one point in time. But, that ended shortly after the Jackson Five, with the exception of Beat It.
  2. Beat it was one of my favorite videos.
  3. I completely agree that at one point in his life, he was a great musician. I already stated that when I was growing up I was a HUGE fan of his. But, no amount of "contributions" to anything will ever wash away the thoughts of a man doing inappropriate things to a child. Therefore I am not sad about his passing. In my opinion he died along time ago. And you can say he was found "not guilty" all you want but, he had more than one child accuse him of similar acts. Do you think its really a coincidence? And I by no means "worship" the media, I barely pay attention to the news, tabloids, etc. But, I can look at a situation and judge for myself how I feel about it. There was just as much media coverage about him being innocent as there was for him being guilty. And +1 to the guy above this post. ^^^ Plus, MJ had no effect on Punk Rock or Metal.
  4. Little Michael was my favorite Michael. That was some good music. And Elvis definitely had a bigger impact, atleast on the music I like to listen to.
  5. +rep only if you've had a mohawk.
  6. Im glad that people with good morals and a proper understanding of what is right and wrong still exist. After reading some replies to my posts last night, I started to wonder if I was a heartless prick but, now I see that other people feel the same way that I do about it. 96ragtop's point that he made is exactly what I was thinking about today. Just because you did some good, does not mean that its ok to do some bad.
  7. I almost feel bad for posting this but, this is a text message that I JUST recieved like 2 minutes ago. "Due to the fact that Michael Jackson is 99% plastic, he will be melted down into lego blocks so that little kids can play with him for a change."
  8. I have to agree with the waitress comment. She's convulsing and shaking all over the place, she would probably spill my coffee.
  9. Lol. Hmm, looks like we got the start of a little ford/ chevy trash talk. This should get interesting.
  10. Only if youre gonna be in it.
  11. I hate you so much it causes me physical pain.
  12. camera man is a nasty one for sure? badass vid!
  13. Fine, because I like you, I am sorry. *Im just gonna keep how I feel about things to myself from now on. Sorry if I offended anybody else with my point of view.*
  14. Hey! You shut the fuck up. He can swing from wherever he wants!
  15. LOL @ Kevin's pic. Look, you guys think that us "haters" are fucked up but, the man was charged with molesting children. I dont care if he was "proven" innocent, the charges had to have come from some sort of truth. And I feel no remorse for people who do wrong to children. And even if it was all BS and he didnt do any of those things, he supposedly overdosed on sleeping pills. And I feel no remorse for those who take the easy way out. I do agree that the man used to be extremely talented. I was a HUGE fan when I was growing up and I listened to and watched him constantly. But, seeing the ugly side of a person can change your views pretty quickly about them. :) Here's a couple smileys to help sooth the butthurt. Oh yeah, I do feel bad about what his parents did to him as a child and I can agree that it probably lead to his craziness but, you gotta learn to get past things and grow up.
  16. I wouldnt be, their all a bunch of fags. Well, I guess you are too so it should work out great! PS. I hate your face. PS x2. Its about time you made your intro you lazy fuck. Now hurry up and get over here so we can get to the gym. Asshole!
  17. Im watching. Fucking hilarious.
  18. Thanks for a new kitchen Wagner!
  19. Fucking noob! GTFO! I hate your face! And you have to let me drive the 240 when you come home.
  20. You get out. And to the OP. I really really hope you didnt like the lambo doors. I would hate to think that you changed your vehicle to make anybody other than yourself happy. And lambo doors are the ghey but, if you dig them, you should keep them.
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