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Everything posted by Wonderboy

  1. This thread is fantastic!!! LMAO
  2. "there will be a period of "great tribulation"[47] during which the Antichrist, indwelt and controlled by Satan, will attempt to win supporters with false peace, supernatural signs." Hmm, interesting huh? Im totally kidding so dont get all butt hurt.
  3. This shit is fucking hilarious. http://www.Break.com/index/ghost_rider_gets_car_stolen.html
  4. Haha, thats awesome. Its catchy too, now its stuck in my head.
  5. This truck is great. This truck has 20's This truck is a stick. This truck... Damn he sure liked to start every sentence with "this truck". Fuck him and his ugly truck.
  6. I freaked out for a second because it just kept doing it, I thought I just fucked my brain permanently. lol. Thats pretty cool.
  7. Wonderboy

    the black plague

    Now Im not one to typically wish things like this upon others but, that sounds fantastic! Hopefully it stays contained within their group and they all die before it can spread any further. Is there any known treatment for this in case it were to spread to other areas?
  8. Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 22) You are the worst of the lot. You are shrewd in business and cannot be trusted. You shall achieve the pinnacle of success because of your total lack of ethics. You are the perfect son-of-a-bitch. Most Scorpios are murdered. Funny as hell but, I must disagree.
  9. Thats awesome. The best part is that it has such a massive performance potential. Did anybody watch the last video where he says it makes 4,000 ft lbs @ 3,000 rpms, its fucking ridiculous.
  10. Sadly, that is very true and one of our biggest problems. People are too comfortable and are afraid to mess up their comfort by getting rough with the law and standing up for themselves or their rights. Drink 40's, Fuck Bitches.
  11. Ill tell you what, I would be more than willing to fight and die if thats what it takes to get this country back to how it should be. Growing up I never considered myself a "patriot" because I was against most of the things that we stand for as a country/ society. I even considered moving out of the country (canada). But, as Im getting older/ smarter Im realizing that those arent the things that we truly stand for, its just what we have allowed ourselves to represent and, there is no where else in the world that I would rather live. I have noticed more and more that I am actually proud of the country I live in and what we have accomplished. With these fucks threatening everything that was once great about this nation I find myself feeling more and more patriotic everyday, it starts to put things into perspective a little better. I now understand the value of our "rights". I just hope that I never have to understand the "costs" of those rights.
  12. That guy is a genius and I could not agree more with his list. Well, on second thought. The corvette comment was a little too much.
  13. Thank you. And now you will still get to hear my obnoxiously loud exhaust for many meets to come!
  14. The only problem I see with that, is that its still too close. I thought about moving there when I was 18 and decided that its still just too damn close. If anything catastrophic were to happen to america Im pretty sure canada would feel the effects as well. Ive considered australia but, they've already got a gun ban established which would leave no defense against the 3ft tall spiders. And I cant really think of any other cool places to live. So I have concluded that we're all fucked. lol
  15. Those people must do alot of cocaine. That shit was way too fast.
  16. Well I recently decided that we are going to buy a house. So cash flow for a nice fast car is non existent. I figured a juiced up little pocket rocket could be a cheap way to go fast for a little while. Plus, this thread just makes the whole idea seem like so much fun.
  17. I was just watching videos about different illegal search and seizures yesterday. And then I read an article today that was talking about all the controversy around the government doing wire taps and checking e-mails and what not, and how they decided its no longer illegal. Now Im reading this shit, what the fuck? It gets depressing to think about how fucked we are all gonna be in a few years. And even worse is that there isnt really anywhere to move to be safe from this shit. It seems like the rest of the world is just as fucked already.
  18. I started with slow cars and I still drive a slow car. I have always wanted to go fast, I still think about going fast almost all the time. I was about to finally buy a "real" car that I could actually make fast, and now Im gonna push that back for a couple years so I can buy a house for me a my girl instead. So, I guess I have matured. Also, 4 years ago I could only change the oil on MY own vehicle. Now, I fix (or attempt to, lol) cars everyday for a living.
  19. Yuck, thats gross. Girls have cooties and vaginas, both can lead to death.
  20. Seriously, he could damn near drop the ball in the cup.
  21. Thats a great idea. I think the concept is much better than guitar hero. Sure guitar hero is fun but, this will allow people to learn a REAL skill. I play guitar and I will probably get this just for the hell of it, its a great excuse to practice more. It would be cool if they did like guitar hero and put you up against other people.
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