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Everything posted by Wonderboy

  1. Damn, Id love to go out and play again but, thats too damn late to get things started. Have fun ladies. And Jones, your car gets too much traction, you are the anti-drift.
  2. I want to build something like this really bad. I like the "sneaky" nitrous setup. Do you know anybody selling any similar vehicles for super cheap?
  3. Im super jealous. Thats an awesome shop you got there.
  4. I love how the guy went from hockey announcer to fight announcer. The goalie thing was a little weird but, overall that was fucking sweet.
  5. Wonderboy


    Wow. Its even worse that his family went along with it and helped him. They're all idiots.
  6. My buddy works with this guy and has been telling me about this car since he bought it. Its already accomplished some pretty impressive numbers and Im curious to see how much more it does with the downpipe and cutout. Kinda makes me want one.
  7. Wow, thats a bummer. I was a loyal subscriber until a year or so ago. Have you checked out project car magazine? Its pretty cool. Its mostly "rice" shit but, they do full page by page, step by step articles on their builds.
  8. Dont be hatin'. Civic nation biatch. Well I thought it was funny.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsgdKpBXIWw The first minute of this video is fucking sweet.
  10. I know its wrong to think this way but, that kinda stuff creeps me the fuck out. That might make me a bad person but I would not be able to deal with something like that.
  11. Wonderboy


    Oh dear lord, somebody kill it!!! Jeeze, Im a "ricer" and thats just awful.
  12. Actually he just left my house. And I just got off the phone with you a minute ago.
  13. Im gonna start building one of those right now.
  14. Wonderboy


    Well yeah that would be the obvious choice. But, I was just trying to get people interested. Im am definitely not a coordinator by any means.
  15. Wonderboy


    Well why dont one of you fuckers set a time and place.
  16. Wonderboy


    Yeah, the last time I adjusted my nutsack!
  17. Not even that can keep you safe. Ive got a carbide tipped dick, I can get through anything.
  18. Its a kick ass sentra because I rock it bish.
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