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Everything posted by Jewtoys

  1. 500E is more exciting than a clapped out lambo
  2. I almost bought one in Chicago, that a dealer ended up getting stuck with. Zero chance for any local dealer to service it scared me away. Tons of them have issues, look in the Texas area. A lot of the buy back:lemon branded 500e end up there. It's a much better car than my Abarth, wish they sold them here. A bunch of people leased them for 89$ a year or so ago, it would literally pay for itself.
  3. Solid 3-Pedal Gallardo were never under 70k. Prices have slightly risen over the past year or so. A 3-Pedal Gallardo that doesn't have higher mileage, is still over $100k. Over 14k Gallardos were made, it's not a rare car. I would never even think about buying one with, higher miles, rough interior and a sound system installed by Xzibit. Attempting to resell it would be annoying. Bottom barrel priced cars bring those kinda buyers..... It would take forever to get rid of, and a rough example will end up needing some service, which isn't worth any minimal savings. RUN
  4. 6 owners. Ugly wrap, and wheels that belong on a 350z 10 years ago You can find much better.
  5. A bunch of wonderful roads in that area. I spend a lot of time out that way, when the season dies down.
  6. Im out 2-3x a week. Currently beached, and having some lunch http://pic20.picturetrail.com/VOL1212/4798801/9950206/412682011.jpg
  7. Jewtoys

    Paging Doc

    That's Rutledge woods. Hard times with the cancellation of top gear? Ha Probably should let him know, posting his cell number online isn't a good idea.
  8. To spread misinformation? Obamas comin to take mah guns too
  9. http://www.snopes.com/2016/07/11/anonymous-day-of-rage-protests-2016/
  10. You realize that crap is fake, right!?
  11. Jewtoys

    2009 FZ6

    Aside from the floaty, soft suspension these are excellent bikes. Comfortable, and extremely reliable. Glws
  12. Much smarter play. Goodluck mang
  13. BMW dealers offer the service.
  14. With the same dyno room operator ha
  15. Testarossa. Doesn't get anymore 80s!
  16. Jewtoys

    Sorry Lebroney

    Curry went to college in my town, so there were zero Cavs fans anywhere. Felt great to finally witness them win!
  17. Jewtoys

    Sorry Lebroney

    Foot in mouth. Insane to not suffer heart break. Not sure how to even react!
  18. Jewtoys

    Sorry Lebroney

    Nba rigged, that's great. Let's just say the officials are in, only so much they can possibly do. To even consider the players are in on something, is down right hillarious. If that were the case, something would have surfaced by now. These are people who the large majority cannot manage a check book, pay taxes, or stay out of trouble with the law.
  19. Subways stink. You need to own a bunch to see any real return, and it will become a 24/7 JOB. Franchises stink. I know someone who owns a few daycare franchises, it's far from rainbows and unicorns. Is there any exact reason you feel the need to dip into that pond? Unless you really know the business, you're setting yourself up for failure. Tossing money at something doesn't always make it work.
  20. The 996 has an interior that doesn't really age well..... It looked old new... You can get the same performance for much less, and from much more reliable cars... Motor goes and it's probably not in the OP budget to replace, considering he's strictly looking at vehicles within a certain budget.
  21. Lotus are cheap. The base 996 in stock form isn't anything to write home about. Sure you can pick one up for a cheap, but keeping it running will be another story. If something happens to the motor, it will cost nearly as much as the purchase price......
  22. Not a fan of corvettes, but I've wanted a c4 zr1 forever. Maybe one day I will take up smoking and purchase some gold chains.
  23. What cars have you previously owned? Most likely you will be let down by a 996 in your price range. Not worth all the potential issues, and massive price costs for parts for the lack of performance.
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