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Everything posted by Jewtoys

  1. I was, and sold those. Got back in at it’s lowest today. I’m not sure. This goes against anything I would normally ever consider.
  2. Wild ride. I have a small fortune sitting in GME and AMC right now.
  3. It's back. Can't hold down the internet.
  4. Reddit is either locked or by invite only now........
  5. Nice! Might toss a few grand into NAKD and call it quits :fuuuu:
  6. Largest returns I've ever had, in such a short amount of time. 40+k. Hilarious. Not sure I'm going to jump back into anything from ole Reddit..
  7. Missed the speech, but caught this and was teleported back to the 90s
  8. For the longest time, you couldn’t give these things away. They would sit on the market for a year. Always thought they were pretty heinous. They are starting to grow on me. Anyone here ever drive one?
  9. All of it is greatly opinionated. I’m sure it’s always been like that, but it’s magnified in recent years.
  10. It’s more about others, than yourself though. That’s the reason it’s annoying to me. We’ve reached a point, where science isn’t real and if you listen to medical experts you’re a liberal douche bag pussy. I’m in my early 30s. I have had friends, in my age group who were extremely healthy wrecked my covid. Know people who have died, etc. Far from just a normal flu man.
  11. Mace, ahh. Another knuckle dragging cave man, who's mind is more brilliant than leading medical experts. Got it!
  12. This is what happens when you huff paint. Don't be like Mace fellow Humans
  13. I have provided a monthly income for 2 people, who have been out of a job for months. Wife is a teacher, and offered to cover her salary this year to just stay home. Fuck off
  14. Plenty of businesses I loved in my area, have gone under. More will be on the way. Endless employees without an income, and the owners loosing everything. It’s a terrible situation. I put health before wealth, so it hasn’t completely worn me down yet. But many don’t have that flexibility. Wish I had the answers.
  15. But that’s exactly the problem. People crying about things, that are not going to happen. No one is taking your guns. Indeed, zero issues with grants. Forgivable or not. Zero issue with hand outs either, and having my taxes raised. But, like the last round. No one at the bottom got shit. That’s never going to change, regardless of which side is in charge sadly. Yes. I own a business. Temp closed my doors very early on, trying to do the right thing and kept them closed for 7 months. I get it. There’s people loosing everything. Shitty situation, and no right answer.
  16. Just like Obama was going to take urrrrr gunzzz, right? Free stuff on top of the stimulus pork? You were rallying for grants in the Orange man thread.
  17. Dude, they are trying to take our guns! Pumping 5g waves into our foreheads, and turning the frogs gay. You're concerned with someone being beaten?
  18. His followers are in a cult. Every last one of em.
  19. There’s only truth in that statement. That kid is a fucking idiot, as are his parents, and the people that assaulted someone with a gun. But if you want to make something a little more comparable. Why didn’t the president rehash an old saying. “When the looting starts, the shooting starts” Look at the difference from yesterday vs BLM. You’re lying to yourself if you think the BLM crowd would have been able to breach that building.
  20. She was shot in the neck for her own actions. End of story.
  21. Ended up running over a small Boulder, coming around a blind corner. Smacked the oil filter, which lead to bearing damage. This was only supposed to be a fun canyon carver. I’ve been trying to secure an EVO 5 or 6, to build into a track car, but deals keeping falling through overseas. So, I’m just going to build this. Plan on doing as many track days as possible, and entering my first hill climb for 2021. http://pic20.picturetrail.com/VOL1589/13754861/24767986/414496794.jpg
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