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Everything posted by Jewtoys

  1. Ouch! Also if you feel like getting nothing completed at work today, they have a live stream of goodwood:
  2. Yep, all over eBay ha. You could also make a air box and sheild it from heat, and get something like this to work. http://m.summitracing.com/parts/vnt-35753 http://m.summitracing.com/parts/vnt-35853 They sell multiple designs, but you could always get thrifty at Home Depot
  3. Option B with open cap filter. https://www.google.com/shopping/product/14556578186643318830?sclient=psy-ab&biw=1680&bih=905&q=green+air+filter&oq=green+air+filter&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.&bvm=bv.96339352,d.aWw&ion=1&espv=2&tch=1&ech=1&psi=Bg6LVfyHC8qyyAT9wrXgAw.1435176453013.7&prds=paur:ClkAsKraX0uZK3bO1zQp3ZhNn8ANY7YwPbcMUy4MfXhzG2V784-Pmhe24szRq79DhfMC-qwm65kwQAg-xJmhLayABGowotK3v3KKkFNX5euOaP1CQk3qi08O6xIZAFPVH720xHFLl5mLl0csZUifZ6rR1KfW4g&ved=0CDAQpis&ei=EQ6LVciUB4uSyATEpb3YDQ
  4. Leave Ohio? :lolguy: I love the look of this thing, and it sounds amazing to boot. 500+ HP sedans are exciting.
  5. I'm just trying to wrap my head around, why you wouldn't pick up a 930 you can get for 30k or less? But want to spend 20k on some ratted out Porsche? That 930 would easily yield a 30k or more profit if it's as you state? :no:
  6. Exactly, that makes absolutely zero sense to me or anyone who isn't a fucktard with half a brain. I do kick myself for not picking one up 2-3 years ago for mid 30s, but that's life. I don't understand the point of this thread if you can get a 930 for 30k, but want to spend 20k on something beat..... Take a look at what 930s are trading for.
  7. Jewtoys

    I got a job!

    That's awesome man. Congrats!
  8. These things are super cool, unique car for pocket change. Glws
  9. Why on earth would you pass up a clean 930 for 30-40k, only to purchase a clapped out Porsche for 20k? :masturboy:
  10. Show me a nice 930 for 30-40k and I will purchase it today.
  11. Then just buy a slightly used gt500. It's ALWAYS best to purchase the highest factory model, as you cannot replicate it for less. Better brakes, suspension, different motor, etc....
  12. 20k isn't going to get any 930 haha
  13. Take this guy up on this offer, you need serious guidance.
  14. Exactly. My Elise oil cooler line busted open on the freeway and sprayed all of it's oil everywhere, and the dumbass dealer it was towed to started it.
  15. Honda Grom! Street legal to boot
  16. I see a few seaplanes as well along the water, which are equally as rad. But hoping in the back yard, and a quick 90 minute flight to the beach would be nice, or 10 minutes to uptown where you can land at a hotel would become very useful with the traffic here. I don't have helicopter money though :fuuuu:
  17. Yeah same here, very loud but that's about it granted all trips have always been very short but that's pretty much the only reason for one are short trips
  18. That's crazy. I get some crazy looks when I use my Abarth to tow my Ski, the Ski and trailer and longer than the car :lolguy:
  19. Now that's living! I've seen a few where the boats are below, and the helicopter is above. I always see them buzzing around the lake but assumed it was because a airport is along the lake..... Insane money to maintain those things.
  20. Screw cars, a helicopter is what you need! I'm out on the lake 3-5 times a week, and spot at least one helicopter at someone's home, crazy. Sucks wanting something that literally makes no sense. http://pic20.picturetrail.com/VOL1212/4798801/9950206/411354257.jpg
  21. 36 to 44 isn't really much of a leap, and it's that much more of a car. I'm sure someone here could hook you up.
  22. Get the 2015, it will hold more value in the long run. Plus it looks better and has IRS, and other revisions.
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