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Everything posted by ZoomZoom6

  1. This is a comforting realization... This should have said "Find a new girlfriend"
  2. In Insult Your Boss Day tomorrow? http://www.nbc4i.com/midwest/cmh/news.apx.-content-articles-CMH-2008-07-22-0004.html I dare you
  3. ZoomZoom6

    Xbox 360

    I swear I've played with you before. lol that's awesome-definitely a name you can't forget. Mine is Kris10Rae but I only play Halo3 on occasion. (okay I play all the time...)
  4. My aunt took her economic stimulus check and turned it into gift certificates at Kroger for the gas points...
  5. That is too cool. You should post these up more often.
  6. We're here. I'm on all the time, I just lurk... and don't whore it up.
  7. Read this in the paper yesterday. Apparently this guy has been up to this stuff since 1994. http://www.dispatch.com/live/content/local_news/stories/2008/07/12/patton_12.ART_ART_07-12-08_B5_URAO3C6.html?print=yes&sid=101 Honestly, what judge lets a man like this go?
  8. Do you work at Polaris? I work for Liebert at Polaris in eCommerce.
  9. ^^ No worries-I thought it was pretty funny...lol and to the OP-no one is going to defend your friend (nor do I see them defending the cop, which is what I think you were hoping for here) so go cry somewhere else.
  10. I saw him getting on 315 from 270 sometime last week. I couldn't stop staring at it. It was probably pretty dangerous honestly, seeing as I was driving. haha
  11. I know a lot of people go to Alum Creek which I think your lab would love because there's water access. There's also one in Georgesville (the town not the road =) that you can take your dog to, but I believe they have to be on a leash (pretty sure it's part of darby creek park). This was on the news the other night and caught my attention. http://www.nbc4i.com/midwest/cmh/news.apx.-content-articles-CMH-2008-06-16-0032.html I guess developing bad habits from other dogs from dog parks is like, kids getting bad habits from others at playgrounds. As long as they know you're the alpha male and you show it at home after you take him out to play with other dogs, I think he'll be just fine. He's young enough that you should be able to teach him good habits and he'll forget the bad.
  12. I know a few people who were in that class. One would show me the e-mails he'd send out right before class about being in traffic and hating his life or something. He was an interesting guy to say the least. And yes, college teaches you nothing. Did you ever go into the library? I used to work there until about 2 months ago.
  13. haha it's that time if year, especially if you're a high school kid (I'm guessing you are since you're age says 17??). About every house in my neighborhood that has a high schooler living there has been toilet papered in the past week, no joke. Must be the cool thing to do when summer break starts???
  14. You fail-no one wants to help you I mean ummm free bump??
  15. Keith was one of the people you gave a free bottle to a while back. I was going to use it when I backed into the pole but I was nervous because that shit smells like it would eat through anything lol
  16. I just waxed my car about 2 months ago (3 days before I backed up into a huge yellow pole and then had yellow paint on my newly waxed bumper ) I think I'll try clay bar before winter...I've heard good things about it...
  17. What do you recommend then? I've got an obsession with keeping the interior clean and shiny...
  18. FIRST OFF-I know how some of you are about reposts and forgive me if there's been a thread about this in the past-I searched and didn't see one (at least not since 2004). And I figured since the weather is warm now I'd bring it up again Pretty self-explanatory. What is your favorite product to use when you're cleaning/detailing your car? I saw this on a Mazda forum and one of the products someone mentioned has become one of my favorites-so I figured maybe I'd find a few more favorites from you guys. I'll start... I love Invisible Glass for cleaning interior windows and of course Rain-X for the exterior. I keep Armor All wipes in my glove box and use them whenever possible. OH and I found that Magic Erasers clean up engine bays and rims really well...
  19. Who is it? You go to DeVry right? I worked in the library (still a student there too) for almost 2 years and I've heard many stories, I could use a laugh if I know who you're talking about.
  20. ZoomZoom6

    WTS xbox 360

    It's tempting... How long have you had the system? Have you kept it elevated??
  21. We couldn't have gotten more than 2 anyway Keith... Like everyone else said-I'd try Kroger...
  22. Wow Will this is really sad...I'm sorry
  23. Talk to my boyfriend...he'll tell you otherwise...but whatever everyone is entitled to their own opinion so I'm not going to argue with you
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