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Everything posted by ZoomZoom6

  1. IMO... 1. I agree...we do love money...but honestly, who doesn't? 2. Being smacked around??? Maybe I'm one of the girls who don't let this happen but it's called self-respect. If they have it they won't let a guy treat them like shit and they'll stick up for themselves. I don't know why most girls let this happen? I may sound like a total bitch sometimes when I stand up for myself but I never let a anyone especially a guy I'm dating walk all over me. Again, it's respect-if they have it for themselves they'll have it for you. 3. A challenge...no...I don't like a challenge in a relationship. If I want a challenge I don't want a boyfriend. I like it when my boyfriend shows interest. But this could just be me... /rant
  2. Food is better at Dave and Busters...but since you're not eating I'd say Gameworks...
  3. I agree...never book excursions through the cruise ship. My mom saved over $300(for about 5 people total) on an excursion by booking it outside of the cruise ship in November. Go on cruisecritic.com and read around a little bit...especially on the forums to see what people have to say about each boat and stuff... I've been on 4 and have another planned for January of next year. They're a ton of fun.
  4. ZoomZoom6

    Smash Bros Brawl

    Bought it yesterday but haven't gotten around to playing online yet. I'm still getting a feel for how to play...
  5. I'll buy it for $40 I'm a little concerned though because my Starmate is a little more rectangular...I'd need to make sure it still fit. It's a Starmate 4.
  6. We've been to Fort Walton TONS of times, Panama City about 5 times too but lately it's all drunk college kids...We're going back to Destin again this year. It's our favorite. Plus, the water is gorgeous and clear. But where I'm talking about isn't necessarily south Florida I guess, it's on the panhandle. Are we thinking of the same Fort Walton?
  7. On a lighter note...wasn't there a SNL skit about this? I think it was with Will Ferrell... From a girl's perspective-it's pretty damn gross...but I wouldn't necessarily consider him gay...
  8. ZoomZoom6

    Smash Bros Brawl

    I'm getting this game ASAP. I've been too obsessed with Halo to pay any attention to the Wii...hopefully this game will get me back into it. I didn't know you could play the game online? If it's possible, I'm there.
  9. He's just saying that because I have a Mazda 6 and he says they're old people cars Just ignore him...
  10. http://www.mazda6club.com Read up a bit under the speed6 section it'll give you an idea of what some of the guys have done. I don't think that there's a lot you can do aftermarket-wise...but they do whatever they can haha
  11. I know the South-Western Career Academy (in Grove City by Central Crossing High School) has night classes open to the public. Not too sure exactly if they have a class devoted to welding but I would check it out.
  12. I was seriously considering it...but I'm afraid I'll lose my smooth ride. Unless I spend insane amounts of money on amazingly good shocks...which I just can't do. Oh and to the guy referring to Keith and Ryan's stupid gay post(s)...I think it's as dumb as all of you do. I assure you he isn't a homosexual...I can't say for sure about Ryan though
  13. It's glacier silver...the rims are only 17s and I'm not going to lower it, so with low profile tires and everything I'm worried about the wheel gap being too big, so I'm thinking of looking for something a little bigger. Maybe 18s? We'll see...
  14. My name is Kristan. I know I don't drive a fast car (I have a Mazda 6) but I am addicted to the forums and going to CR meets and events. Turbospec29 (Keith) is my boyfriend and I tag along with him to pretty much any car even that he does, my favorite are races at the track. I've been reading the forum for a while, but Keith made me get a login about a month ago because he was sick of me on his all the time. I don't know much about cars, but I am definitely learning as much as I can and maybe I can auto cross or something someday... See you guys out this summer! OH and btw, the car is completely stock except for anything exterior. I bought Konig Incidents that will go on it this spring...
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