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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. I think you just described a smartphone with some computer speakers connected to them.
  2. unfunnyryan


    Act of god would mean it rained frogs on that shit. This was an act of physics. Changes in temperatures, humidity, gravity, and the positioning of your structure. A 5th grader could explain the basic principles of how these interact to cause such damage.
  3. old news bro, you could do this nearly a year ago if you enabled the function in beta.
  4. unfunnyryan


    10 gauge wire + your dick
  5. unfunnyryan


    car isn't pulling like it used too with the hot weather so i guess i've lost power :fuuuu:
  6. but i thought he was a facist with a big red raise the gas price button that releases bulldozers into a field of puppies :no:
  7. unfunnyryan


    I had a branch land near my car and a bigger one a bit farther away. Power flickered but never went out (did trip the GCIF where my battery backup for my network equip, weird) That sucks if you lost power, how many extension cords do you have? :gabe: edit: drove around, everyone on my side of the street has power. odd.
  8. unfunnyryan


    No it isnt. Cable is though.
  9. I'm in the worst age group for all of it, where you can get rammed in the ass by tuition and everyone else in line, and no one gives a fuck. If you want things to be better for your kids, if you want them to have a better education, not spend $600 a semester just on textbooks that are worthless within 5 weeks, and in 4 years end up unable to find a job that is relevant to your field at all, do something about it. Our leaders didn't act poorly*, they acted greedily, but so did we. *most leaders
  10. What this guy did here is be as much of a dick as the law allows him to. I don't really think his actions were appropriate, and it could of been over a lot quicker by being more compliant with the officers request. Who knows, the officer may have been a supporter of CCW and this guy just went full dick on him. What we don't know is if this guy has previously had some other police encounter gone horribly wrong (remember the video of the officer somewhere in ohio saying he would blow the guys fucking brains out?) Regardless, the guy started things off with a bad attitude, but the cop kept his cool pretty well. I know I personally wouldn't take my time to look up and study each bit of case law and code recited by the guy, so for him to just keep throwing it in my face would aggravate me a little.
  11. 124ft-lbs/liter Twice any honda.
  12. Comparing x86 processors to ARM processors...should never be done, ever. The board is a bit more powerful than the OG Droid. PLENTY of power. And of course it will run full blown Linux. Full blown linux doesn't have to have a GUI, and I think in the vast majority of *nix installations in the world, a GUI isn't present.
  13. If they were a business they would have failed, hard. Sadly, they just go to congress and say mOAR MUNY PLEZE and continue to operate.
  14. There is an android app that records your car speed by GPS, where you were, and video, all at once. The company that makes it sells mounts for each phone to provide a good camera view.
  15. Cover peoples asses. It's all government and bureaucracy does anymore. lol. I wish he would be charged with murder. It won't ever happen though.
  16. I have a few projects in mind that could take use of one, maybe a full size MAME cabinet, but I don't have the time right now to do much more than some light arduino stuff.
  17. first thought to me is what rabbit bacon would taste like
  18. Or the one right down the road at sawmill. It would be polite at least to give whatever place is chosen a heads up to get a bunch of donuts ready.
  19. Pretty sure this was the point that most of us came to in thread with the kids & the bus monitor. No one taking responsibility for their own actions, and passing the blame onto others. It is the largest social epidemic in this country right now.
  20. >calls everyone ignant >thinks the president is a member of the communist party
  21. This is some secret agent level shit right here. Get some shit on your hands that makes fingerprints very visible. Shake their hand. Midway through the party ask people if they want refills or such. Grab glasses/bottles, and start identifying. Come back, and say you're going to play a game of Clue, and the first clue is the motherfucker murdered in the garage with a candlestick.
  22. I was having a bunch of DNS issues last night but CR was fine.
  23. Why not build your own? 2 PVC pipes capped off and connected via a pair of 90 degree elbows, a hose fitting with valve on one pipe for filling and an air fitting on the other for pressurizing. High pressure hose to a tube with a cap (small hole drilled in it) with a ball valve and you're set. Don't even need a air compressor if you want to take it somewhere a bike pump will do fine. inspiration: http://www.sscentral.org/homemade/supercannon2.html
  24. As with a lot of robberies, this is likely someone you know, or someone who at least knows you. They knew you would be gone. Sucks to hear. Was any of it insured?
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