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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. That car is hot. I want to fuck that car.
  2. All of their phones, from now on, will have an unlocked bootloader. Essentially, this means loading custom roms and rooting your phone will be a painless process, with almost zero risk. Won't see THAT with an iphone :fuckyeah: http://www.softsailor.com/news/80946-htc-all-our-devices-will-feature-an-unlocked-bootloader-from-now-on.html
  3. Defaults to age, oldest to youngest.
  4. if you have it playing on an external site and then open it on youtube from that site, it starts it wherever you left it off. The URL you get from your URL bar will reflect that.
  5. If the car is running, they don't. If the car isn't running, they do.
  6. HELMET CAM VIDEO Ok its not front line action, but you can see they just go from knocking to shooting in a matter of seconds. Fuck. That. http://www.theagitator.com/2011/05/26/video-of-the-pima-county-swat-raid/
  7. your results will also be different if you are signed in to another account. it tailors your results based on your last searches.
  8. This is where my brother went to get his license. He was working on his pilots license before he had his drivers license, and is a very, VERY competent pilot.
  9. Yikes. Imagine if it crosses the border. Border patrol doesn't have the right stuff to stop one of those.
  10. Sounds awesome until diesel hits $20.58 a gallon :masturboy: And seriously guys, the Aztek is the ugliest car. So ugly, I don't want to post a picture.
  11. jesus...the exhaust pipe swelling.. i don't want to be near that. ever.
  12. The best thing is, this doesn't prove macs to be any more or less secure, it's just proves it users are just as or more dumb than everyone else. A sense of superiority may have come into play as well for some users. tl/dr: dumb people are everywhere.
  13. More great details here. http://www.examiner.com/gun-rights-in-st-louis/criminal-home-invaders-pretending-to-be-cops-or-the-real-thing-does-it-matter?CID=examiner_alerts_article
  14. Aluminum is almost cheaper to produce new than it is to recycle.
  15. Gun shows. I've never seen anything more than a 91/30 in a shop. There was a nice mosin sniper on armslist about a month ago. I was tempted to buy it..
  16. Right. The wear on the car from driving it would far out value the cost of getting a truck to transport it. Plus, avoid this kind of nightmare.
  17. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2015105631_apusfbiwreckedferrari.html?prmid=obinsite F40s and F50s have got to be some of the best looking and sounding cars of all time. Horrible to see one go like this. edit: pics http://www.wreckedexotics.com/articles/027.shtml Lots of different prices being thrown around, but I would consider it priceless.
  18. unfunnyryan


    Just a reminder, you have slightly under 9 hours to complete this challenge.
  19. your cunt stinks of sperm whale aids
  20. unfunnyryan


    If you can write me a 100 word essay expressing your thoughts on , I will +rep you, aiding you in gaining access to the forum. For times sake, you may skip the first 2 minutes of the video. You have until 11:59pm Tuesday, 5/24/2011, to complete this challenge.
  21. bump "Player Not Found" if you want to play me. I'm decent.
  22. Its just a detector with no type of indicators or such on it. iphone does most of the work in the end.
  23. unfunnyryan


    the autostart script failed, its back now.
  24. A CR member would film it in Mexico, and this was filmed in Japan. I see no faults.
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