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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. http://lulzsecurity.com/releases/sownage_2_press_release.txt And again....
  2. My parents had a brazilian family that did good work and were really nice people as well. Is the womans name maria?
  3. Where did you get this info? That goes against a lot of what I've read...so far it looks like dawn power dissolver is the way to go according to google..
  4. I'd rather put my dick on my desk and hit it with a hammer, and then immediately rub one out. I have standards.
  5. What do you guys use to get wax out of your pads? I see there is plenty of commercial products available, but is there anything else that works well and wont damage the pads? I'd love to hear back from some of the detailers on here. I'm getting a nice setup going and would love to keep everything in good condition, considering the money I've sunk into it.
  6. It does. VGA is highly suspect to noise, which may be causing the blurryness.
  7. Make sure the resolution is set properly.. DVI might make a improvement over VGA as well
  8. this would make my JO sessions much easier if I could hear your voices
  9. Yup, you could do scaling graph or anything. It's all about coding it, it's all possible.
  10. Can you somehow get a picture of what it looks like in the menu bar, or install an app/process manager and get the process name?
  11. Probably not that big, at least not on this hardware. Biggest I could feasibly get to work would probably be about this http://www.sparkfun.com/products/710 although you could set up several different systems all running at once. On the other hand, I found something neat. Update when it arrives
  12. awesome price, i'm going to ask my brother if he wants it.
  13. I had a teacher in highschool who had it done to her for some thesis, she said she rather give birth than ever do it again.
  14. Don't do anything in parenthesis. If you break out of loops by going to the 2nd link, it does always work..
  15. PM me about this. But july 1st-10th I can do discounts easily. THIS IS FOR SMALL PENIS I just looked into ways to do RPM, looks like easiest is to measure pulses from the ignition coils. Fuck yeah.
  16. Microcenter carries it all. It is sort of pricey, and I wouldn't have bought it without my employee discount (I got roughly 40% off what I bought) The code isn't too bad. I took a few Java classes, and this all runs in C. C is pretty damn similar, so no problem for me there. This is all less than 6 hours of work. Another few hours and I could have it in my car and running.
  17. Didn't even think of that, going to make the adjustment. I love input like this, so if anyone has any suggestions I will take them!
  18. Mix: I don't like any. Irish car bomb maybe just because of the fun involved. Beer: Landshark, however, kentucky bourbon barrel ale is damn good, just too expensive. shot: Seagrams #7
  19. I've got a boot screen done, as well as figured out the units. As you can tell, my AC is broken. The temperature doesn't seem to update quick enough, so I will likely use something else to monitor that. It also now auto switches between vacuum and boost, if its =>0. http://i.imgur.com/5k2Vel.jpg What else should I monitor with this thing? Next on the to do list is a switch to toggle between screens, followed by maybe GPS speed?
  20. unfunnyryan


    Glass house is mine, friend mimicked my idea and built a similar one nearby.
  21. unfunnyryan


    lol you're still playing? I haven't touched it in weeks. Server will be updated in a bit
  22. Picked up an Arduino Uno today (my first ever development board) a 2x16 character LCD, and a pressure/temp sensor. Prototyping is getting done quick! But I am missing a few tiny pieces that would make my job a lot easier. So far this is costing a lot more than a cheap boost gauge, but this one is way more fun to set up. Plus, I can expand the hell out of this. I eventually want to up my arduino board so that I can have multiple displays, tach, etc. monitored. Current stage: Software development! I've been out of the programming game for a while so we will see what comes of this. http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/251417_10150200350327373_601507372_7637071_8319971_n.jpg
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