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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. medium answer: it doesn't work that way, but it gives you great potential for gains.
  2. Long ago I heard that every pound of unsprung weight removed is equivalent to 4-5lbs of sprung weight removed, as far as performance gains. If lightweight rims and wheels could net you 10lbs a corner, it adds up to a pretty significant amount.
  3. The good kind of mushrooms they don't sell in stores and cost a lot more than that
  4. have you tried armslist? I had 5 emails in 10 minutes when i put my hipoint carbine for sale
  5. EAT A DICK ERIC. They have me scheduled to work at 11, so no go for me.
  6. Small ones. Wolf spider is huge.
  7. I got my thunderbolt yesterday and havent had a 4g problem since, but then again, I haven't traveled out of a pretty small area since I got it. I did overhear someone in the store talking about issues. PS: the free radioopt traffic monitor widget is pretty awesome.
  8. House centipede won't win against a spider. Put a mantis against it.
  9. This is probably a good idea, radio ads are cheap too if they don't.
  10. Mine is multitouch compatible.
  11. http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/blog/2011/apr/29/playstation-network-hackers-credit-cards owned
  12. This is mostly because of all the teenage whores who don't know their iphone from a penis.
  13. Looks like an awesome build. I want to touch it. I bet it weighs nothing.
  14. Hire me, because :fuckyeah:
  15. Because they still don't know how deep the breech was. Leave it to sony to spend billions of dollars pioneering DRM, throwing money at the DMCA, and all kinds of copy protection on bluray, just to have abysmal database security. Their products are way more valuable to them than your information obviously.
  16. I have at least 1, maybe 2, corsair xms 400 1gb sticks laying around, as well as some other sticks. edit: it may be in a friends comp, i'll find out tonight
  17. what about this http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/rss_viewer/birth-certificate-long-form.pdf
  18. They are having a pride march of sorts for students at the school and others, IIRC. They did the same thing to another columbus school that founded a gay-straight alliance about 10 years ago. These people are the absolute lowest forms of life there is, and its a shame that they are still walking this planet. I for one WILL be attending this in the pedobear suit and do my best to piss these fuckers off. These are innocent people, kids, that they are after who want nothing more than to be accepted for who they are. I hope that the school can get a restraining order against them.
  19. Acura TL AWD with comptech supercharger. That way you don't look like a tool. e: can't find a SC for an AWD car, but the FWD aren't bad with a bit of suspension love.
  20. http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2011/04/sony-admits-utter-psn-failure-your-personal-data-has-been-stolen.ars TL;DR Sony hates you and all your personal data is in the hands of someone else. Possibly your credit card info too. With the number of large security breeches in the past few months, like Gawker Media, Epsilon, and now this, its very upsetting that users personal information is not being taken seriously enough. In this day and age, it would not break any of these companies to put more effort into protecting users data. BUT ITS ALL OKAY. Sony has said sorry. Discuss.
  21. Probably wouldn't hurt as much, but you don't have much of a choice versus a taser. It interrupts brain signals to muscles, you lose control.
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