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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. Bad News: Your neighbor sabotaged your furnace while you were gone. He will ask to barrow your mower for that "one time I fixed your furnace"
  2. As per Docs official resignment from Mod Race 2011, I have chosen to take his place as Gabes running partner.
  3. I fully support g-unit here on his electoral campai- -WHAT THE FUCK ITS SNOWING? Fuck you gape.
  4. Were you on brainslayer (or w/e it was) builds or something else? I had downloads that would suddenly drop out of no where, same goes with youtube playback, porn, etc.
  5. This is a FANTASTIC router, its the one I use personally, and can attest to its performance. It is one of the best on the market, and highly recommend it if you can spring the cash. However... Don't use DD-WRT on a E3000. It will seem to run okay, but had lots of connection hangs when I had it installed. The stock firmware on the E3000 works much better.
  6. Theres two Asus routers at microcenter, one $99.99 the other $64.99, both are rock solid. The linksys E2000 is also alright. If you like DD-WRT, Buffalo sells some routers with it preloaded. Any router cheaper than $50 is junk. edit: The $99.99 Asus can act as a bit torrent server, the lower priced one may be able to as well. Its built to handle that kind of traffic if you're into torrents.
  7. I never got in fights in school, but the policy was no matter what, both kids get suspended. I know of cases where one would be curled in the fetal position taking blows, and get suspended for it because they were "acting as an aggressor" Fucking bullshit school system.
  8. unfunnyryan

    Next genius

    Its only a shame that we only get one of these for every million stupid people.
  9. http://sidelionreport.com/files/2009/09/feels-good-head-0-292x300.png
  10. Depending on how long you can wait, I think I can hook you up on and ipad case at microcenter in the next few weeks. Discounts are close to 50% on most of them.
  11. Can you test speeds when paired with PDA-Net? USB connection would be a much more feasible solution than wifi for long term usage. Those speeds are making me consider getting a thunderbolt now and using it as a torrent system...
  12. whats so confusing about blow and sex with other men for money
  13. I'd love to see the shit these guys do, just because we never get to hear about it otherwise.
  14. LOLOLOLOL Few days ago I had two kids in a nearly new 335ci peeling out down residential streets. The one driving looked as if he just got his license.
  15. Hit the ground harder next time Congrats!
  16. That nice/awesome of a house and still a old school tv and CRT monitor.
  17. I choose my words pretty carefully. Mortars, bombs, and .50 MGs are not poison gas. Saddam was prosecuting people often because of religion or suspicion of crimes. The people being killed in Libya/Egypt are normal (protesting) civilians and news reporters. One is a genocide, the other is mindless massacre. Ok, I did, and according to http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/obameter/ there is 134 promises kept, and 40 broken. So while you made a huge list of promises broken, I could go right ahead and make a FAR BIGGER list of promises kept?
  18. I'm not sure what to think about the whole border situation anymore, with tons of evidence piling up that the ATF basically forced weapons dealers to sell to cartels. Also, the difference between here and Libya/Egypt is that Libyans have FAR less guns than we do, and in Egypt, civilians are not allowed to possess long guns at all, and the rest of the firearms are heavily regulated. Needless to say, a revolution in the US would end MUCH quicker. We probably won't have a revolution here any time soon, because the media has too much of the population cowering in fear over trivial and fucking retarded matters.
  19. This is true. Also, you have to keep in mind, there wasn't a revolution going on in Iraq, and they weren't killing thousands of civilians with every sort of military ordinance they could get their hands on. Comparing the two is laughable, so please, do not do it. They are two entirely separate regions. Libyan/Armenian close enough. Also true, and historically, most presidents accomplish more at the end of their terms. None of that is a lie yet but so far a lot of what he promised, isn't looking very promising. Keep in mind, its not a dictatorship, he can't just say things and make it happen as long as their is opposition in congress.
  20. Not a scam, its legit, but the way it works its like everyone pays and only one person wins. Its fucking genius really.
  21. make your own http://chemistry.about.com/od/demonstrationsexperiments/ss/smokebomb.htm there is other guides out there on how to make it different colors.
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