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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. AKA: one of the safest containment systems.
  2. If he has a ton of other mac stuff, chances are, he can afford to spring an extra hundred or so
  3. Looks nice, but you are going to have to take me to dinner too if you want me to sleep with you.
  4. oh at&t, when will you and your monopolistic ways learn? Are they acquiring just tmobile or the entire deutsche telekom brand?
  5. Unless your ISP reassigns you one of the IP addresses in their ip block, which does you no good. Or if you have a static IP, or are on timewarner/wow which this usually doesnt work on.
  6. ITT: People who don't know what the fucks up use a proxy, google for free php proxy servers
  7. Mobil 1 synthetic, different grades depending on summer/winter. Whatever filter I can find that fits. Fram doesn't do my car so no shitness there.
  8. Last I heard, 5 people working in the plant have died.
  9. you're all slow. i'm the best.
  10. That is some hot fucking innovation, love the action release. The mag indicator slots are a cool update too.
  11. If its really that fast I may be interested... I've been holding out for the release of a Tegra 2 powered phone, 4g or not.
  12. Yes, fantastic host. Although I believe wordpress.com can host for you as well, but dreamhost is great if you want to evolve the site in something else down the road.
  13. For the most part, the easiest thing to do would be to use Wordpress or such and then tie it to your own domain name.
  14. Right, and for example, 3 mile island was the worst nuclear disaster in our nations history and the immediate fatalities at the plant totaled a whopping ZERO and it's debatable whether the radiation release had any effect at all on residents near the area. And that plant suffered a full meltdown, but did not fully breach the containment vessel. The vessels and practices for nuclear plants have come a long way since even that incident. Nuclear, when carried out under proper procedures, is by far the safest option.
  15. Not really, because the majority of nuclear plants are as old as the one in Japan. Nuclear Power is extremely safe, mainly because of the fact it is the most heavily regulated industry on the planet and we really go nuts with safety and for good reason, had we not, we would have 130,000 irradiated Japanese people running around Japan right now. A lot of people's concerns with nuclear power are born out of ignorance and misinformation. It makes me very reluctant to enter a debate or discussion when people says things like "Nuclear reactors could explode [a la warheads]!" (Not that people here say that, but I've become jaded)
  16. are you saying you feel uncomfortable at strip clubs?
  17. what year? old ones were practically mitsubishis.
  18. shoot, adjust, shoot, adjust, shoot, adjust..repeat.
  19. with how many of those he pulls in a night i dont think he cares
  20. Its like the tower climber, but with spinning blades of death and electricity
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