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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. horse should of fucked her
  2. 57 HD rear projection. Its oldish (2003) but was still working fine.
  3. unfunnyryan

    TV Repair

    Who on here does it? Got a toshiba rear projection with no picture.
  4. +1. Business environments as well. Apple products are NOT secure on a corporate level, as opposed to windows enterprise and *nix based systems.
  5. I haven't collected enough courage points to try Mike's Hard. I can barely drink an entire bottle of Smirnoff Ice without crying. Its carbonated to shit, yes, which is IMO the hardest part about getting it down. You could cheat and open it and leave it in a fridge for a bit. It would probably make it taste more awful than it already is though. Unless its grape. GRAPE FTW.
  6. agreed, don't know why anyone would steal a jeep that looks like yours. maybe they tried to steal the gas out of the tank and fucked up?
  7. If you get fucked up off one you're a pussy. I chug entire cans and remain fully functional.
  8. 1. Buy wrecked/cheap VW on craigslist 2. Buy kit 3. ... 4. PROFIT
  9. Even being a huge fan of the original, I saw very little new to justify the purchase of SC2. I'm sort of disappointed with it.
  10. as often as the oil looks dirty
  11. i usually call mitch or trowa and they come eat it off
  12. stupid people will say this about a volvo as well
  13. Oh how I wish I was 21... Good luck, looks like a killer deal for all thats being thrown in.
  14. I am going to bulk order gay pride tshirts for everyone in this thread. Please reply with your shirt size, thanks.
  15. thats the fate of all my old drives jeffro: you should just go get a IDE to compact flash adaptor. I am using one for a drive in my router..its the shit. ps: try spinning up the platters with a dremel... its fun taking them to the super high RPMs and letting them loose down a driveway.
  16. BUMP splurged and bought the new 360. gamer tag is bkooie
  17. no way...were you at OU last year? If so I think I took my picture with you. I was billy mays as well.
  18. http://imgur.com/Z1vSI.gif
  19. Are those vapor cases aluminum? Wouldn't that cause MORE antenna issues...?
  20. Don't question how it does it, but it adds 35hp to any JDM car.
  21. just get a warez-bb.org and rapidshare.com account...
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