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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. Coastal population moving away from their destroyed land.
  2. I got a pair of skullcandy earbuds at microcenter for i think $25. They go deep in your ear with different size silicone things for comfort. They sound amazing. They have a little microphone thing that has a single button that can pause/play but also skip forward if you press it a few times quickly. No volume control though, but they really are amazing sounding earbuds. these: http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0322297 edit: most iphone oriented earbuds will work with android phones, along with most of the controls.
  3. i woke up just now, so i might just stay up all night to make this one.
  4. Just need to convince the russians to send a few million surplus SKS's over there. Best case scenario they revolt against their government, fucking their economy, and eliminating our debt.
  5. Same here..started out at placement level 3 math courses at OU, after just being 1 year ahead at UA. Schools do make all the difference in the world I guess. My friend goes to lincoln tech in indianapolis, he says there are kids there that can't read.
  6. http://www.simplehelp.net/2006/09/27/how-to-use-your-pc-and-webcam-as-a-motion-detecting-and-recording-security-camera/ or http://teboweb.com/WebCam.html
  7. Except all those birds you would turn into zombie-virus carriers.
  8. Spicy foods influenced upon america by miamis latin culture caused my toilet to clog... Obama clogged my toilet
  9. with that audi you are just buying the problems the seller couldnt figure out. if that STI is built right it probably could do pretty well.
  10. you should tell it to this guy then too
  11. Most politicians can't do math. Good thing I'm an engineering major though, must mean I'd make a great politician if the two are comparable.
  12. I'm just saying, you can't get all your news from one source. Especially if that source is a network which had to defend its right in court to present known false information to the public. I didn't disagree with the point being made, I am disagreeing with the source from the original post. Since when did you become my dad? You're barely a year older than me and you think you know my life? You never fail to amaze me.
  13. I believe you have to turn on the other output in the menu.
  14. fox news = not going to waste my time hearing what kind of fraudulent reporting is going to get done, especially involving obama, who they are so clearly very big fans of.
  15. A common problem with audi's is the drivers are of the cock-gobbling type.
  16. Anytime in the afternoon, like 3-4 or later, I have to take care of a couple things first. edit: I lied, I'll be available around 2ish. I check CR on my phone so just send me a PM with a place to meet and I'll be there.
  17. You guys missed the real event anyways. Its located 50 feet below the surface of circuit city. Only problem is the mole people ricers..
  18. I'll take the red dot at your earliest convenience.
  19. and one of you fools should add me to the group.
  20. I saw a blue hyundai and a G35 racing last night, it was them.
  21. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197960790819 STEAM ID STEAM_0:1:262545
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