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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. Thats a S60R motor dropped in there. I dont know why they didn't include the AWD though.
  2. Its what I got. It does work quite well for the price. Mines not zero'd 100% either, but it was pretty dead on yesterday.
  3. This was my exact smell yesterday actually.
  4. http://i48.tinypic.com/xat341.jpg bitches.
  5. +1 rowe for prez. I don't think any other person could claim to be as "average american" as him.
  6. holy mullet mobile. that thing is sick.
  7. The problem is that people who eat healthy never think to go near a vending machine in the first place, so you have a bunch of pissed off fat people wondering where the nutty bars are.
  8. Dont fuck with big turbo diesels. A tune and CAI goes a long way on a lot of them.
  9. seen it... the swedes are fucking crazy fyi.
  10. in pending i wake up early enough.
  11. Backstory for us that dont know the car?
  12. unfunnyryan


    Thread needs more colby jack.
  13. unfunnyryan


    cheese makes the best farts
  14. unfunnyryan


    the exponential growth of cheese is greater than the exponential growth of the holes, otherwise you had no cheese to begin with and the equation is invalid.
  15. to let more people know how much of a badass I am ... and to buy shit, or maybe to go watch alex try to hurt him self.
  16. Fuck your pussy red mower http://i48.tinypic.com/30u5zpy.jpg
  17. Except until the new iphone is jailbroken, it will have less features than the older models. /thread
  18. Naw thats just your turbo saying no thanks to the oil.
  19. I don't think any carrier is too happy about it.
  20. I am getting a red dot for sure.. I really want a large scope too, because they look damn good on the gun, and would give me a better base for some 100 yard target practice. Something I really like is you can fit some lasers right in the hole for the fake gas tube. Some people think putting the cap for a fake gas tube there is a waste of time, but I like it, and I like it even more with a laser pointer fitted in there! http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1031/4604882713_dd1a7170e7_o.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x154/back_marker/sig%20522/DSC_0092.jpg
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